Yes, I realize that most hunters can't afford a $12K annual deer lease. Most Texas fans can't afford to get season tickets either. Not everyone has been able to afford a deer lease but there are still cheap ones out there in East Texas. I have friends who hunt in East Texas for less than 1K per year and kill decent deer. Are they killing 170" deer all of the time, no but they get to hunt. If that is too much money for someone then maybe they can go hunt the 1,000,000+ acres of public land that Texas has to offer. Maybe spend a little cash and go on a dove hunt, hog hunt, doe hunt, etc. I see doe and hog hunts for $150 on different Texas-based hunting sites ALL OF THE TIME. You can get on a dove lease for less than $400/year in some really great dove areas in Texas. Are the people who you are mentioning getting "priced out" super poor folks? Spending the type of money I mentioned above should be affordable for just about every family in Texas who wants to hunt, especially if that family has two incomes.
I'll add that just because hunting is becoming more expensive due to popularity, supply/demand, and inflation, doesn't mean it's a problem that people who are spending a lot of money to hunt are creating. It just doesn't add up to me.