I'd like somebody who really understands quarterback play to make the case that Ehlinger can be the answer, because here's what I see:
No arm strength at all. The pace on his passes look like what you'd see from a middle-aged guy throwing the ball in the park with his kids.
Zero accuracy. Offhand, I can't think of a quarterback less accurate than Ehlinger. It's not just that the passes are often delivered in sub-optimal location; they are often not in the same zip code.
A demonstrated pattern of making bone-headed decisions at the highest leverage moments of games. He plays the game as if he believes there's an Undo button.
I'll listen to an argument that #3 can be overcome with sufficient experience and maturity. I'm not sure I'll believe an argument that #1 and #2 can be overcome. And maybe there are additional points in his favor that I'm not considering. But I'm completely unable to look at the reality of Ehlinger as a quarterback (today, at least) and project a plus player at this level.