I keep reading & hearing this statement from both sides really, but mostly from the Dems. That our Democracy is at stake & Freedom in jeopardy.
But lets examine this statement.
Is our Democracy (Republic) really doomed? Freedom in jeopardy?
Is it really?
Can people still vote? Yes
Are our voting rights being taken away? No
Do our elected Representatives & Senators still introduce laws to be voted on by our Democratic process? Yes
Do all people still have their constitutional rights? Yes
Have Donald Trump & his minions overthrown the government? No.
Did Donald Trump install himself as a dictator during his first term? No.
Is Biden a tax & spend socialist puppet? Yes.
Have opposing politicians stepped up to the plate to stop Socialistic activities using the framework of the powers they were given in office? Yes.
Fact Check Conclusion: False.
Our Democracy is not in jeopardy.
God Bless America.
But lets examine this statement.
Is our Democracy (Republic) really doomed? Freedom in jeopardy?
Is it really?
Can people still vote? Yes
Are our voting rights being taken away? No
Do our elected Representatives & Senators still introduce laws to be voted on by our Democratic process? Yes
Do all people still have their constitutional rights? Yes
Have Donald Trump & his minions overthrown the government? No.
Did Donald Trump install himself as a dictator during his first term? No.
Is Biden a tax & spend socialist puppet? Yes.
Have opposing politicians stepped up to the plate to stop Socialistic activities using the framework of the powers they were given in office? Yes.
Fact Check Conclusion: False.
Our Democracy is not in jeopardy.
God Bless America.