Fire Herman Hire Urban

T shirts in the works.

Never happen. Texas cares more about making $$$ than winning football games. The fact that they are retaining Tom proves it. Riley will leave OU and Urban will go to OU making Tom his bitch for the next 3 years..and we deserve it.
Some names are getting thrown around that don't fit at Texas, and I can't believe anyone on this board really wants.

They lack the right experience. They haven't been winners. They haven't taken a program like Texas -- or even any program whatsoever -- and taken it to the heights Texas fans demand. Some have questionable morals, or decision-making.
I can’t think of a single program with the same unique conundrum Texas football faces every year: EVERYONE plays their best games against us. When we’re good (2001-2009), when we suck (2010-present), doesn’t matter. EVERYONE gets up to play Texas - up years, down years, doesn’t matter.

It’s the national perception that Texas has all of these advantages and “should” be this-and-that, but just underachieves. So people play us like we’re spoiled snowflakes and they’re going to come and beat up on us. Texas has to be that much better to win every game, because it’s going to be the opponents’ best shot, every time.

People play fast and loose against us. They play cocky and fearless. I don’t feel like we get the chance to play that way against anyone. We don’t seem to ever have occasion to be in that mindset. It’s like the kids’ brains get poisoned when they get here, into believing this bullshit of “maybe I’m really just spoiled and not as good as I thought”, and it starts to f**ck with their game. Then before you know it, it’s “Texas doesn’t develop players, blah blah blah”.

Texas carries the burden of taking the perceived “high road” at all times. We want to be the good guys, because of the University’s history, character of previous coaches like DKR and MB, etc. UT is an incredible institution with very high academic standards, integrity and reputation. So yes, it all suits Texas.

But it’s clear that, in this day and age, you can’t win football games consistently if you care about those things. TEXAS NEEDS A COACH WHO TRULY DOES NOT GIVE A F**CK. Texas needs a Jimmy Johnson, a Barry Switzer, a total genius asshole with gigantic brass balls who relishes stepping on opponents’ throats and demoralizing them.

empty stadium is the only voice we have. They only care about money they don't give a shit about having a winning program. An empty stadium will send a message and it's the only thing that will work.
Don’t see why not they fired strong after 3 years. They can fire the soma of a bitch as well
Regardless of the outcome of this game, Herman should go.
He is not an offensive genius and he is not HC material for Texas.
Why should he be kept?
I would not be one bit sad or mad to see the entire staff replaced after this season. I fully expect to see at least 1/2 replaced after this season or I expect to see more of the same next season along with excuses for losing.
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I would not be one bit sad or mad to see the entire staff replaced after this season. I fully expect to see at least 1/2 replaced after this season or I expect to see more of the same next season along with excuses for losing.
I can’t imagine the whole staff. I can see Beck being fired. He is not a good QB coach and an even worse play caller. WR and passing game coordinator Mehringer also ineffective. Warehime not good. Our secondary coach has not proved to be effective. I am just another arm chair QB, but from my view, those are our biggest areas of concern.
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