Football Season Almost Canceled

First, to say nothing is not a lie.

I'm not sure you heard my man Billy Bob, but it most definitely is a big ass sky, and I'm quite sure we could never have the redonkulous budget it would take to monitor all of it.

A rock that size is less than a grain of sand in all that space. Not sure why you seem so convinced they couldn't have simply not seen it. It's like not seeing a speck of dust before it hits your windshield at 70 mph.
What else do those nerds have to do all day? We don't have a shuttle program anymore. We aren't currently doing moon missions. The private sector nerds are launching more rockets than NASA. Are all the nerds working on "Space Force"?

Face it dude, the nerds had one job. One job! =)roll
What else do those nerds have to do all day? We don't have a shuttle program anymore. We aren't currently doing moon missions. The private sector nerds are launching more rockets than NASA. Are all the nerds working on "Space Force"?

Face it dude, the nerds had one job. One job! =)roll

I hear World of Warcraft came out with a new expansion.
graduated with aerospace engineering. lots of friends still in the industry.

this thread is great.
I know we were calling this asteroid a city killer, what would have been the affect of it hitting the ocean? I imagine a pretty big ripple maybe even an earth quake. The worst place I can imagine it hitting is Yellow Stone or a fault line. No telling what would happen if it hit San Andres, but Yellow Stone would probably empty that whole caldera of Magma.
I know we were calling this asteroid a city killer, what would have been the affect of it hitting the ocean? I imagine a pretty big ripple maybe even an earth quake. The worst place I can imagine it hitting is Yellow Stone or a fault line. No telling what would happen if it hit San Andres, but Yellow Stone would probably empty that whole caldera of Magma.
Well according to a nerd friend of mine who's a planetary scientist (fvcking nerd) if this asteroid was made of iron then as it entered the atmosphere is would have started melting and peeling back over itself only to have the back side cool as the heat would be upfront. And moving at 54,000 mph means that it would enter our atmosphere at such great velocity that the majority of those super heated iron would have boiled a crap ton of water and caused at minimum, a pretty big tsunami.
For uh, pretty much everybody.

Question---- are these scientists the same fvckwits that are trying to predict our climate? Because if they are----- I want my money back.

Wait . . . what? We're supposed to be worried about asteroids flying past the earth? Crap, well I guess I've wasted my time worrying about Rosie O'Donnell exploding due to excess TACO BELL consumption. I lost sleep over that one.
What did Rip Torn say in men in black?.......".there is always a tarquillian battle cruiser waiting to destroy the earth ...the fact that no one knows is what allows them to go on with their happy little lives...."
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