Great Texas Players

Why are sooners in this thread dumping in it and the one that was complimentary couldn't help but try to change a UT player thread in to an OU/RRR players thread???

Cockroaches just can't help themselves in EVERY SINGLE THREAD.
You do know OUin Cali is a Texas fan right? Him mentioning Shipley's impact in the RRR was not an attempt to change the subject of the thread I don't believe but keep practicing those mod skills because one day you may get there.
Where did any Ou fan dump on this thread ? I'm hoping you aren't this sensitive in real life.

1 I'm just pointing something out. Not losing any sleep over it. The post took me seconds to type. And that was all the thought I gave it yesterday. Sorry if that upsets you, but I am not obsessed with this site or soonerpoop or you at all.

2 Devurnay to UT thread...turns in to pages of OU is 1000x better than UT next year. This thread has talk of Quentin Griffin (I don't even think OU fan that brought him up, even spelled his name right). Next time I go to soonerpoop will be the first in a long while. And the next time I go to a thread about OU greats and start talking about VY, well that will never happen.
I don't see the point. Sorry you are so obsessed and you live here. Must be an enriching life you live in "real life". That is if you log off of here long enough to have one.
I post here and there and that means I live here? Your post makes little to no sense. Everyone else was posting just fine then you show up with this garbage? Why? I'll tell you like I told another poster. If you are here to insult and attempt to belittle me you are barking up the wrong tree. Your choice
Roy Williams athletically speaking is probably one of the more gifted players we've ever had, but that's only one part of the equation. In the age of spread offenses give me a team full of Shipleys and Cosbys over Roy Williams any day. I'll take quick, sure handed, and always in the right place over WOW athleticism.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Benson. My brother in law lives in Midland and I've heard plenty of stories about the guy from high school
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Benson. My brother in law lives in Midland and I've heard plenty of stories about the guy from high school

Mention him as what, an all timer at UT? Probably because Earl and Ricky kind of make Benson look like a scrub.
The more I think of it, I am somewhat offended that Roy Williams is even mentioned in the Texas great players thread. He was not.

Now if we have a thread that is titled..."shoulda been great players but wouldnt put in the work" thread, I am all over him.Sadly, I can think of several players that would qualify.
What if Earl had not had tear away jerseys? Would he have been less effective? Or would there be hundreds of SWC defenders from the 1970's missing hands and fingers?
Didnt watch Earl much did you? He would have been effective in Kevlar
Oh man - Earl was the GREATEST. I can just imagine those 240 lb DT's sticking a hand out there to try to stop him, and leaving minus a limb. Of course, that may be better than sticking your headgear in his chest. I was in junior high in the same district as John Tyler High, when Earl owned East Texas. JT had Earl, his twin brothers, Ronnie Lee (who played several years for the Dolphins) and Andrew Melontree (an all time great DE for Baylor). Earl was a full grown man at age 16. Those games were over during the pregame stretching exercises.