Happy Treason Day. . . ungrateful colonists (and something for my Marine buddies)


IDMAS. . it don't make a shit
Gold Member
May 29, 2001

The Great Experiment. The idea that the people could govern themselves and not be ruled by Kings, Dictators, Despots Autocrats Tyrants or Totalitarians but rather by themselves. And the men (and women) who risked their lives, their families and their lands were men of wealth and lands with much to lose.

247 years young

For some perspective, this was the Great Experiment because it had never been tried on a national level (Greece was a series of City/States). Inspired in no small part by the Age of Enlightment, a time of reasoning, intellectual thinking, philosophy and deep thinking, of challenging the accepted norms.

Thomas Jefferson would pen our Declaration of Independence from England which included these now famous words:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
We are not a perfect nation, nor have we ever been one. We have continued to evolve and improve with each passing year. What we are is the Bright and Shining City on the Hill. We set the standards, we promote freedom around the world. Even when opportunity arose, we were never a nation of colonists, returning lands we conquered back to their people (Italy, Japan, Germany Philipenses Cuba Mexico etc). BTW, both Guam and Puerto Rica choose to remain as territories.

It is interesting to see where we rank around the world. We are one of the happiest nations, we are one of the most diverse and least racist nations (this per UN studies). We bicker and fight like family but when a hurrican or natural disaster hits, we rush to the aid of complete strangers without a thought. I still remember the Gator Navy (Cajun bass fishermen in flat bottomed boats) racing to Houston after Harvey to help.

I unashadly love this country. And thanks to my Marine and military brat travels, I have seen many parts of the world including nations suffering from brutal oppression. Standing for freedom and human dignity is a good thing.

On a personal note, I kicked off 4th of July weekend attending the Marine Corps Evening Parade at 8th and I (literally the corner of 8th and "I" Streets in DC). Damn but our Marines looked fine. We were entertained by both teh Marine Corps (President's own) band and the Marine Corps Fife and Drum teams. And was invited to the Officers Mess afterwards where my brother and I were toasted and toasting a wee bit too much. Baby Bro will retire at the end of the year having served since Desert Storm. Even had a chance to visit with the outgoing Commandant at the Garden reception before hand.

Don will retire with a Legion of Merit (likely a 2nd as an end of career award), Bronze Star, Meritorous Service medal with 3 Oak leaf clusters, Navy Commenation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, 7 trips to the sand boxes, XO of the 1st Marine Regiment on his last sand box trip, Commander 2/23 (2nd Marine BAttalion 23rd Marines) Charlie Company CO 1/1 (1st Battalion 1st Marines) a FAST (anti terrorist team) Platoon Commander and Platoon Commander.

Some pics.

Have a Happy and Safe 4th, be thankful for our great nation. Ask yourself what you can do to make it better in the 2nd half of the year.

@HALOMAN @WapitiHorn @gunfighter8 @USMC Groper @usmc88 @gunny badass @dzraduzit @Jack87 @ecuador @mattathb2k4 @OkiMar @JoeRoden @wolfpack05 and all my other fellow Marines. Semper Fi.





8th and I is the oldest post in the Marine Corps, established by Thomas Jefferson in 1801. It is also home of the Commandant.


Officer's mess


Commandants home


An amazing night, had not been to an evening parade in 40 years. . . damn I'm old.

Semper Fi

Happy Birthday America. . . .
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