actually Arkansas as well as aggies are worse than sooner fans.
And from an OU fans perspective, Arkansas fans are an order of magnitude worse than Horn fans.actually Arkansas as well as aggies are worse than sooner fans.
aggys are more obnoxious than OU fans, and they have no reason to be. They are the most delusional, arrogant, unrealistic idiots that walk the face of the earth.
Both are obnoxious, but aggy fans are an order of magnitude more so.
Arkansas fans are what Oklahoma fans would look like with a good but not great football history.
We are the most arrogant? Now who's being delusional? You have skins on the wall and deserve to be proud. I get all that, but NO one is more arrogant than you guys.
I don't understand the hate for Arky fans. Maybe I'm missing something, but I have lurked on various boards for years. I remember when Arky beat UT in the Texas Bowl, the only fans that were talking trash about the game were Aggies. The Arky fans that posted on here were actually encouraging and showing respect for UT.
We are the most arrogant? Now who's being delusional? You have skins on the wall and deserve to be proud. I get all that, but NO one is more arrogant than you guys.
As a Bama fan I would hope that you have been to a game in Arkansas.
If you have, then you should understand. Not only do we have a long and storied history with them. Including some big matchups. And you should get how their fan base is.
I'll say this, every school has their biggots, etc. I have been to a few games recently (Houston Bowl game, one in Austin, and one in Fayeteville about 12 yrs ago). And that game in Fayeteville I thought the KKK was going to come out of the tunnel and on to the field. Been to a lot of places. And never heard opposing fans use the slurs they were using towards our players.
No but you have the worst ratio of accomplishments to arrogance.We are the most arrogant?
We are the most arrogant? Now who's being delusional? You have skins on the wall and deserve to be proud. I get all that, but NO one is more arrogant than you guys.
I don't understand the hate for Arky fans. Maybe I'm missing something, but I have lurked on various boards for years. I remember when Arky beat UT in the Texas Bowl, the only fans that were talking trash about the game were Aggies. The Arky fans that posted on here were actually encouraging and showing respect for UT.
For you aggies that are going to read this reply. Our superiority over you people goes back to the Texas Constitution. For you aggies that grew up in Texas you obviously studied Texas history and if you did then you know this is true. I don't know maybe you should blame the TC instead of longhorn fans.
How do you describe the aggie inferiority complex? Well there is the way you people act especially when it comes to fb. You people are so determined to be better at something, anything even if its only fb. And then there are aggies who get elected to statewide office. In this case Rick Perry is a perfect example. Never has the aggie inferiority complex been more obvious than RP. This man who I believe majored in poultry science, appointed regents who shared his idea of trying to destroy a President and humiliate him into resigning in disgrace. A man who has tried to turn a diploma at our beloved institution into a paper mill. Didn't happen fortunately. Oh and he's in the closet.
And to be brutally frank about it all the other schools feel that way about you people. Baylor, TT, Cougar high, everyone likes making fun of you.
Like I said blame the Texas Constitution.
I see you are reading the success stories of aggy sports....I would yawn to.Yawn.....
Sooners are more likely to justify cheating in the name of winning, since "everyone does it." This is not to say that Aggies don't have a dose of this, too, but it hasn't been as strong as the Sooners variant. The cheating is strong in this one (OU).
Aggies are more likely to be delusional about upcoming seasons, and/or be uber-racist, sexually-repressed, and just weird. There are sexually deviant things that Aggies are known for, or at least there are persistent Aggie fables. (I've gotta hope that) Sooners just would not do that stuff.
Which one (still) has the Corps, buries dogs on its field, and chased off other cheerleaders? Case closed.
As for arrogance, it's a personal trait, and not connected with which school you go to. The arrogant ones were that way well before they went to College Station, Waco, Austin, etc.
Yeah, ou is worse in that regard. They have a "make up your own" degree up there to keep their "student athletes" eligible. One of their academic advisors went on ESPN saying what a shameful scam it is and how the ou football players get virtually nothing out of the deal since their degrees are so worthless. But hey, they stay eligible a that juco football factory.Well I gotta say this for sooners they don't go to school to major in things like poultry science.
Yeah, ou is worse in that regard. They have a "make up your own" degree up there to keep their "student athletes" eligible. One of their academic advisors went on ESPN saying what a shameful scam it is and how the ou football players get virtually nothing out of the deal since their degrees are so worthless. But hey, they stay eligible a that juco football factory.
Yeah, ou is worse in that regard. They have a "make up your own" degree up there to keep their "student athletes" eligible. One of their academic advisors went on ESPN saying what a shameful scam it is and how the ou football players get virtually nothing out of the deal since their degrees are so worthless. But hey, they stay eligible a that juco football factory.