How does Schooner fan compare to Aggy fan?

ESS, I think.

Exercise sports science. Used to be called kinesiology. If you wanted to be a coach you got a degree in kines.
Tell us again ole Vince's major. Wasn't it mathematics?
A) Not all degrees are created equally. I will admit that. At least UT's degrees have set curriculum and aren't a complete joke
B) UT athletes actually have to earn their degrees as opposed to $ooners. Our guys are regularly ineligible which shows academic integrity. I can count on one hand the number of $ooners who have been ineligible due to academics during Stoops' entire 2-decade career at your juco complete joke of a school
C) Your complete joke of a school isn't even rated in the top 100 universities in the country. That's laughable.
D) I see you ignored your own academic advisor on ESPN saying what a scam your "create your own degree" plan was. Typical for you. You ignore reality.
Sooners are more likely to justify cheating in the name of winning, since "everyone does it." This is not to say that Aggies don't have a dose of this, too, but it hasn't been as strong as the Sooners variant. The cheating is strong in this one (OU).

Aggies are more likely to be delusional about upcoming seasons, and/or be uber-racist, sexually-repressed, and just weird. There are sexually deviant things that Aggies are known for, or at least there are persistent Aggie fables. (I've gotta hope that) Sooners just would not do that stuff.

Which one (still) has the Corps, buries dogs on its field, and chased off other cheerleaders? Case closed.

As for arrogance, it's a personal trait, and not connected with which school you go to. The arrogant ones were that way well before they went to College Station, Waco, Austin, etc.

Nailed it.

Do want to point out that when it comes to cheating, OU is near the tops in the nation in NCAA probations and penalties. But Aggie isn't far behind them. OU at least turns cheating in to wins/titles. Something Aggie only dreams of. And that is why Aggie is more annoying. They have no reason to talk about skins on the wall, yet that doesn't silence them.
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