One of my pet peeves is people who park too far over their own line making it hard to get into your car in a parking lot. So today I come out of HEB with a cart full of groceries, its trying to rain and I'm in a hurry to get it loaded and get gone. I like to load it all on the driver's side back in the crew cab because that's the side next to the door in the garage and makes it easier to unload. And there sits a car with its left wheels about 8 or 9 inches over the white line into my space making it impossible to squeeze in an load the groceries. Now I am standing there cussing under my breath and wishing all kinds of nasty on the dumb SOB who parked that way. Tempted to just bash the hell out of the side of his car with my door but I really wouldn't do that. So I'm just wishing the idiot would come back out while I was still there so I could ask him where the hell he learned to park. About that time I look up and walking straight to that car is the best looking woman I have ever seen in my life - damn near literally. She saw my predicament and said "Oh, looks like a got a little too close. I'm sorry." So I just stand there like a squish, smile, and say something like no problem, I can get in from the other side. She smiled and said something about have a nice day or some such and I just pile everything into the left side door and leave like a smitten schoolboy.