What if the moderate Republicans got together with the moderate Democrats and pushed Nancy to back off from Impeachment and move towards a Censure Vote.
Take a minute to think about it from both sides. The Democrats don't like Trump and his policies. The Republicans don't like the idea of undoing an election on partisan lines.
If the middle could broker a censure vote and the Republicans could deliver 100% then the extreme left would be forced to vote in the affirmative.
Both sides win and we put this sham to rest. The Democrats have a unanimous vote to hang their hats on in 2020. The Republicans concede things could have been handled better but they don't have the stigma of Trump being impeached.
It really seems the best middle ground and a way to get TRUE bipartisan support.
Take a minute to think about it from both sides. The Democrats don't like Trump and his policies. The Republicans don't like the idea of undoing an election on partisan lines.
If the middle could broker a censure vote and the Republicans could deliver 100% then the extreme left would be forced to vote in the affirmative.
Both sides win and we put this sham to rest. The Democrats have a unanimous vote to hang their hats on in 2020. The Republicans concede things could have been handled better but they don't have the stigma of Trump being impeached.
It really seems the best middle ground and a way to get TRUE bipartisan support.