I know it is early BUT.......


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2014
Last year's recruiting class is NOT looking so pathetic now is it?!! I had a good feeling about this class. Kerstetter is not bad for a true freshman.....Ehlinger DUH.......Carter looking good.....Josh Thompson is being talked about a lot....Bimage is on special teams.....Graham has been singled out by coaches in practice.....Brewer is better than expected as a freshman (we all thought he would be good later on)......

Daniel Young will be a good player (I think) before it is all said and done.

I still think a player like Estell is going to do well. This class is not shabby and it is not awful like some thought when Herman first signed it. There was some gnashing of teeth at first.

The truth is this class is shaping up to be good at the very least.
I want everyone to know I made this post BEFORE 24/7 made a similar one. They must be watching me. Lol
The fact we see some kind of improvement week to week is refreshing. These freshman are making mistakes but, nonetheless have improved.
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Looking for hot takes......
I got lucky on this one. I was just watching the game and noticing all the freshman class that was actually playing and thought about the way fans were in a full panic over that class. I thought the class was is going to be better than I thought.

If Herman recruits several classes like this one and this year's class Texas will be in good shape talentwise.
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