Again, Covid related...This is from a guy I follow for market updates. It's his opinion, but he lays out some very interesting data. The vimeo link directly below is at the bottom of this article as-well, but you need to watch ALL 25+ minutes of it before you pop off about anything. Just saying.
Blood on Their Hands.
Over the course of my life, I've noticed that for the most part, most people are "good" at heart. Sure they might have some rough spots, but the vast majority are good people. Maybe they're not very intelligent, maybe they've got a temper problem, maybe this, maybe that. But deep down, the majority of folks try and do the right thing.
Because the natural tendency is to be a decent person, it is VERY hard for folks to come to grips with some of the things I talk about. Have you ever noticed, that when I'm talking about sensitive things, I don't get crazy, I don't say more than I feel necessary to get people thinking? Ever notice that? There's several reasons for that.
If I come out, with both barrels blazing, it overwhelms people. They respond with something like "Bob's gotta be nuts, people wouldn't do that!" and away they go, convinced I'm crazy as a bedbug. Instead, I try and plant the seeds, that hopefully grows into their own awareness. My goal is to wake people up, and hopefully get them to investigate things on their own.
It doesn't always work. Even in "lite" mode, I get scathing emails telling me that I'm simply a conspiracy nut, and that "no one would really do something like that!" It's frustrating at times.
See, while "most" people are not evil, and most people will try and do the right thing to some extent there is the other side of the coin. In my life I have met two people, that are absolutely psychopaths. They have no ethics. They have no soul. They would kill their own mother and half the world population, and not blink an eye. And guess where most psychopaths end up? In power.
Think Stalin, think Mao, think Pot pol. These come to mind, because they were country leaders. But there's many thousands of soulless evil people that run governments and government programs. You just don't hear of them.
Fauci and Gates are two of them. Toss in Redfield. So, Yes, if you're asking me if they are knowingly killing people, so they can advance their ultimate goals of 1) making money, 2) controlling the population, and 3) decreasing the population, the answer is YES, YES, and YES. In my not so humble opinion, they both belong in JAIL. Read on to see why.
They've done it before. Gates/Fauci have KILLED tens of thousands of people with their vaccines.
I've tossed out hints about Fauci, Birx, Gates and Redfield. I've told you how Fauci holds patents concerning the way a medicine would interact with a covid virus. I've told you that he's poo pooing hydroxychloroquine, because there's NO PROFIT from it.
So, let's do some number crunching. Remember way back, when Trump fist suggested that ""I've heard that hydroxychloroquine has been promising" and Fauci shut him down? Fauci said it was "anectdotal", he said there was no double blind tests, and yada yada. Fauci wanted no part of hearing about a drug that's been approved and used safely around the world for 65 years.
No, this scumbag doesn't want anything to do with something that's cheap, and been around for 65 years, and is safe. Why is that??
Fauci has been pushing GILD's resdimivir drug. So, once they exhaust their current stockpile, they'll be charging for it. Let's see what it costs to make this stuff:
A recent study by Andrew Hill et al in the Journal of Virus Eradication projects the minimum costs to manufacture new treatments for COVID-19. Given that most of these are not new medicines but 'repurposed' existing medicines, the authors estimated the minimum costs of production from the costs of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) using established methodology, which had good predictive accuracy for medicines for hepatitis C and HIV amongst others.. The estimated costs were compared with list prices from a range of countries where pricing data were available.
Hill et al estimated that the minimum costs of production were $0.93/day for remdesivir, $1.45/day for favipiravir, $0.08/day for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), $0.02/day for chloroquine, $0.10/day for azithromycin, $0.28/day for lopinavir/ritonavir, $0.39/day for sofosbuvir/daclatasvir and $1.09/day for pirfenidone. Costs of production ranged between $0.30 and $31 per treatment course (10-28 days). The authors point out that the current prices of these drugs were far higher than the costs of production, particularly in the US
Okay, so this stuff is cheap to make. What are they going to sell it for?
According to Fiercepharma: Fair price for Gilead's COVID-19 med remdesivir? $4,460, cost watchdog says.
Yes you read that right. The experts think 44 hundred bucks is fair as a price. "Even if they sold it for "only" 1,000, GILD would make a billion dollars a year.
Do you think that might be why Fauci is so hot to push this crap in the face of some awesome facts? Consider this:
GILD did a study with 320 patients. 50 - 62 % showed some improvement. The mortality rate for the remdesivir group was 8%, compared to 11.6% for the placebo group; that mortality difference was not statistically significant.
So, let's look at Hydroxychloroquine. In a recent study of over 1000 people, it was successful in 91% of patients. From Flag&Cross: A doctor in New York is now saying he has essentially found a cure for COVID-19, combining hydroxychloroquine with z-paks. 350 patients, 100% success rate.
On March 23, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he had treated around 500 coronavirus patients with HCQ and had seen an astonishing 100% success rate. That's not the "anecdotal" evidence Dr. Fauci sneers at, but actual results with real patients in clinical settings.
Guess how much it costs to administer that? About 50 bucks. There's no patent to gobble up. It's simply cheap, and works. Fauci doesn't want that. He wants MONEY, big money for his agency and himself.
Oh and by the way, Fauci knew over 15 years ago that Chloroquine was extremely successful in treading covid viruses. How did he know? He said so.
Back then, in connection with the SARS outbreak - caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV - the NIH (which Fauci was the head of!) researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.
The Virology Journal - the official publication of Dr. Fauci's National Institutes of Health - published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading - get ready for this - "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread." "We report...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage."
Said Dr. Fauci's NIH in 2005, "Concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection." Fauci's researchers add, "chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV."
But wait! Didn't he tell Trump that any success was "anecdotal" and there were no studies that it's any good for Covid?? Indeed. What a POS.
Do you think he gives a crap if people die waiting on a vaccine? Nope. I think he hopes people will die. And get really really scared. That way he can peddle his 4500 dollar remedies, and Billy Gates gets to work on a vaccine, which he says in the "only answer" for the whole world.
Are you getting this folks? Did you all know that Fauci was in big time hot water years ago, for running "separate" tests that weren't approved? He only survived because of higher ups that covered for him. HE BROKE THE LAW big time. Should have gone to jail.
Now the meat and potatoes. Are any of you familiar with Dr. Judy Mikovits? Let's look:
Dr. Mikovits joined NIH in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute and began a 20-year collaboration with Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retro virology. She helped Dr. Russetti isolate the HIV virus and link it to #AIDS in 1983. Her NIH boss Anthony Fauci delayed publication of that critical paper for 6 months to let his protégé Robert Gallo replicate, publish and claim credit. The delay in mass HIV testing let AIDS further spread around the globe and helped Fauci win promotion to director NIAID
Lovely eh? Oh wait it gets better. She was working on a Leukemia related virus, and found something ugly. It seemed that certain vaccines were the culprit. Dr. Mikovits' studies suggested that the XMRV Virus was present in the MMR, Polio and Encephalitis vaccines given to American children and soldiers. XMRV is so hazardous that the mere presence of mouse tissue in a laboratory can contaminate other tissues in the same room. Dr. Fauci ordered Mikovits to keep her mouth shut. When she refused, he illegally confiscated her work books and hard drives, drove her from government work and blackballed her from receiving NIH grants ending her science career.
He had her thrown in jail. He bankrupted her. Then they sealed the case for years with a gag order.
So, the bottom line folks, is that these evil scumbags let a virus circle the globe, worked on high priced drugs to "fix it," developed "trackers" to follow the infected, set to work on a vaccine for Billy boy Gates to slobber over, and literally stole a woman's work, ruined her life, put her in jail, and shut her down from telling the truth.
THAT is the caliber of slime that's heading our National health institute. That is the level of evil, soulless scum that RUNS things.
Dr. Judy is free to speak now, and speak she is.
The following is a 30 minute "part one" movie about just how many people Fauci and gang have killed, and what their plan is going forward. It's not lunatic Bob saying it, it's the gal that lived it. A MUST watch.
NOTE> I originally put up a link to this video on youtube. After 3 MILLION views in 24 hours, you tube yanked it.
Try this one, and I hope it's still there:
Fauci's got blood on his hands. Thousands of deaths that could have been prevented. He belongs in jail. Period. End of story. So to those of you who wrote in over the last month suggesting I'm wrong about these people, wake up. Thanks.
Blood on Their Hands.
Over the course of my life, I've noticed that for the most part, most people are "good" at heart. Sure they might have some rough spots, but the vast majority are good people. Maybe they're not very intelligent, maybe they've got a temper problem, maybe this, maybe that. But deep down, the majority of folks try and do the right thing.
Because the natural tendency is to be a decent person, it is VERY hard for folks to come to grips with some of the things I talk about. Have you ever noticed, that when I'm talking about sensitive things, I don't get crazy, I don't say more than I feel necessary to get people thinking? Ever notice that? There's several reasons for that.
If I come out, with both barrels blazing, it overwhelms people. They respond with something like "Bob's gotta be nuts, people wouldn't do that!" and away they go, convinced I'm crazy as a bedbug. Instead, I try and plant the seeds, that hopefully grows into their own awareness. My goal is to wake people up, and hopefully get them to investigate things on their own.
It doesn't always work. Even in "lite" mode, I get scathing emails telling me that I'm simply a conspiracy nut, and that "no one would really do something like that!" It's frustrating at times.
See, while "most" people are not evil, and most people will try and do the right thing to some extent there is the other side of the coin. In my life I have met two people, that are absolutely psychopaths. They have no ethics. They have no soul. They would kill their own mother and half the world population, and not blink an eye. And guess where most psychopaths end up? In power.
Think Stalin, think Mao, think Pot pol. These come to mind, because they were country leaders. But there's many thousands of soulless evil people that run governments and government programs. You just don't hear of them.
Fauci and Gates are two of them. Toss in Redfield. So, Yes, if you're asking me if they are knowingly killing people, so they can advance their ultimate goals of 1) making money, 2) controlling the population, and 3) decreasing the population, the answer is YES, YES, and YES. In my not so humble opinion, they both belong in JAIL. Read on to see why.
They've done it before. Gates/Fauci have KILLED tens of thousands of people with their vaccines.
I've tossed out hints about Fauci, Birx, Gates and Redfield. I've told you how Fauci holds patents concerning the way a medicine would interact with a covid virus. I've told you that he's poo pooing hydroxychloroquine, because there's NO PROFIT from it.
So, let's do some number crunching. Remember way back, when Trump fist suggested that ""I've heard that hydroxychloroquine has been promising" and Fauci shut him down? Fauci said it was "anectdotal", he said there was no double blind tests, and yada yada. Fauci wanted no part of hearing about a drug that's been approved and used safely around the world for 65 years.
No, this scumbag doesn't want anything to do with something that's cheap, and been around for 65 years, and is safe. Why is that??
Fauci has been pushing GILD's resdimivir drug. So, once they exhaust their current stockpile, they'll be charging for it. Let's see what it costs to make this stuff:
A recent study by Andrew Hill et al in the Journal of Virus Eradication projects the minimum costs to manufacture new treatments for COVID-19. Given that most of these are not new medicines but 'repurposed' existing medicines, the authors estimated the minimum costs of production from the costs of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) using established methodology, which had good predictive accuracy for medicines for hepatitis C and HIV amongst others.. The estimated costs were compared with list prices from a range of countries where pricing data were available.
Hill et al estimated that the minimum costs of production were $0.93/day for remdesivir, $1.45/day for favipiravir, $0.08/day for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), $0.02/day for chloroquine, $0.10/day for azithromycin, $0.28/day for lopinavir/ritonavir, $0.39/day for sofosbuvir/daclatasvir and $1.09/day for pirfenidone. Costs of production ranged between $0.30 and $31 per treatment course (10-28 days). The authors point out that the current prices of these drugs were far higher than the costs of production, particularly in the US
Okay, so this stuff is cheap to make. What are they going to sell it for?
According to Fiercepharma: Fair price for Gilead's COVID-19 med remdesivir? $4,460, cost watchdog says.
Yes you read that right. The experts think 44 hundred bucks is fair as a price. "Even if they sold it for "only" 1,000, GILD would make a billion dollars a year.
Do you think that might be why Fauci is so hot to push this crap in the face of some awesome facts? Consider this:
GILD did a study with 320 patients. 50 - 62 % showed some improvement. The mortality rate for the remdesivir group was 8%, compared to 11.6% for the placebo group; that mortality difference was not statistically significant.
So, let's look at Hydroxychloroquine. In a recent study of over 1000 people, it was successful in 91% of patients. From Flag&Cross: A doctor in New York is now saying he has essentially found a cure for COVID-19, combining hydroxychloroquine with z-paks. 350 patients, 100% success rate.
On March 23, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he had treated around 500 coronavirus patients with HCQ and had seen an astonishing 100% success rate. That's not the "anecdotal" evidence Dr. Fauci sneers at, but actual results with real patients in clinical settings.
Guess how much it costs to administer that? About 50 bucks. There's no patent to gobble up. It's simply cheap, and works. Fauci doesn't want that. He wants MONEY, big money for his agency and himself.
Oh and by the way, Fauci knew over 15 years ago that Chloroquine was extremely successful in treading covid viruses. How did he know? He said so.
Back then, in connection with the SARS outbreak - caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV - the NIH (which Fauci was the head of!) researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.
The Virology Journal - the official publication of Dr. Fauci's National Institutes of Health - published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading - get ready for this - "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread." "We report...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage."
Said Dr. Fauci's NIH in 2005, "Concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection." Fauci's researchers add, "chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV."
But wait! Didn't he tell Trump that any success was "anecdotal" and there were no studies that it's any good for Covid?? Indeed. What a POS.
Do you think he gives a crap if people die waiting on a vaccine? Nope. I think he hopes people will die. And get really really scared. That way he can peddle his 4500 dollar remedies, and Billy Gates gets to work on a vaccine, which he says in the "only answer" for the whole world.
Are you getting this folks? Did you all know that Fauci was in big time hot water years ago, for running "separate" tests that weren't approved? He only survived because of higher ups that covered for him. HE BROKE THE LAW big time. Should have gone to jail.
Now the meat and potatoes. Are any of you familiar with Dr. Judy Mikovits? Let's look:
Dr. Mikovits joined NIH in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute and began a 20-year collaboration with Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retro virology. She helped Dr. Russetti isolate the HIV virus and link it to #AIDS in 1983. Her NIH boss Anthony Fauci delayed publication of that critical paper for 6 months to let his protégé Robert Gallo replicate, publish and claim credit. The delay in mass HIV testing let AIDS further spread around the globe and helped Fauci win promotion to director NIAID
Lovely eh? Oh wait it gets better. She was working on a Leukemia related virus, and found something ugly. It seemed that certain vaccines were the culprit. Dr. Mikovits' studies suggested that the XMRV Virus was present in the MMR, Polio and Encephalitis vaccines given to American children and soldiers. XMRV is so hazardous that the mere presence of mouse tissue in a laboratory can contaminate other tissues in the same room. Dr. Fauci ordered Mikovits to keep her mouth shut. When she refused, he illegally confiscated her work books and hard drives, drove her from government work and blackballed her from receiving NIH grants ending her science career.
He had her thrown in jail. He bankrupted her. Then they sealed the case for years with a gag order.
So, the bottom line folks, is that these evil scumbags let a virus circle the globe, worked on high priced drugs to "fix it," developed "trackers" to follow the infected, set to work on a vaccine for Billy boy Gates to slobber over, and literally stole a woman's work, ruined her life, put her in jail, and shut her down from telling the truth.
THAT is the caliber of slime that's heading our National health institute. That is the level of evil, soulless scum that RUNS things.
Dr. Judy is free to speak now, and speak she is.
The following is a 30 minute "part one" movie about just how many people Fauci and gang have killed, and what their plan is going forward. It's not lunatic Bob saying it, it's the gal that lived it. A MUST watch.
NOTE> I originally put up a link to this video on youtube. After 3 MILLION views in 24 hours, you tube yanked it.
Try this one, and I hope it's still there:
Fauci's got blood on his hands. Thousands of deaths that could have been prevented. He belongs in jail. Period. End of story. So to those of you who wrote in over the last month suggesting I'm wrong about these people, wake up. Thanks.