Inside the War Room (February 18)

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Aug 10, 2001
Much has been made this week by the fact that the Longhorns didn’t quite sweep the board at the first Junior Day of the season like they had in previous seasons… you know… only landing four commitments over the weekend.

Of course, four commitments became five before the end of the week, and while many non-burnt orange faithful were forecasting doom and gloom all week, it’s interesting that the bar being used to judge Mack Brown’s new staff’s success wasn’t Texas A&M or Oklahoma or TCU, but instead it was the incredibly insane historical standard that the Longhorns of the previous three recruiting classes had established.

The big question from this moment moving forward is just how many of the remaining uncommitted offers will the Longhorns land when the dust settles because if the Longhorns end up closing the deal with four or five more of the visitors from the first weekend of offers, it’s going to make a lot of the early prognostications of impending Longhorn doom look foolish.

Therefore, let’s take a look at each of the remaining offers and handicap where things currently stand.

Johnathan Gray - RB - Aledo

Ketch says: 90% - Gray is a centerpiece of this class for the Longhorns and he knows it. There was a time when I thought this thing was an absolute slam dunk and I’m starting to return to that point.

Suchomel says: 90% - I’m not willing to call Gray a silent commitment (I’m not even sure I believe in that term) but this one has looked good for Texas for close to a year and last weekend’s visit seems to have UT on path for a commitment.

Howell says: 85% - Gray showing up on Saturday was a biggie for me. He definitely has some interest and there are a lot of rumors going around he may in fact be a silent commitment. He has denied rumors, but it’s safe to say he does have a lot of interest. TCU is the other name that has a lot of heat behind it right now in regards to Gray and it’s looking like they will be the main competition for the standout running back.

Thomas Johnson - WR - Dallas Skyline

Ketch says: 70% - The wide receiver class looks like a powerhouse in the making and if Johnson were to pick a school today, I think Texas would be the call.

Suchomel says: 55% - I actually think Texas is in a better position than that # would indicate, but we’ve seen some Skyline guys be high on UT only to fall off as more schools enter the picture. But Johnson has a different feel and he and his mom really like Texas

Howell says: 55% - Johnson is not naming any favorites, but Texas definitely made an impression on him at their junior day. TCU and Oklahoma are also in hot pursuit. He has visited all three schools and has an offer list about a mile long right now. I get the feeling Texas may have edged ahead a little, but that is just my own read on the situation.

Cayleb Jones - WR - Austin High

Ketch says: 95% - I’ve long thought Jones would end up in the Longhorn class and I see no reason to change direction now.

Suchomel says: 95% - Jones is local, he’s been around campus a lot and he really likes Texas. He’s the kind of player a program can build its class around though he's not naming any favorites my gut tells me Texas looks really good for this one.

Howell says: 80% - Jones and Texas have been linked for some time now and as an Austin-area prospect is a top priority for the Longhorns. He says he’s keeping an open mind but Texas has been a school at or near the top of his list from the beginning. He may play this thing out a little but he’s a guy I see UT closing when it’s all said and done.

Dominique Wheeler - WR - Crockett

Ketch says: 45% - Although the Horned Frogs were his listed leader immediately following the visit, there’s a feeling that the Longhorns made a bigger impression than he let on. Part of me thinks that until I see TCU close the door with a head-to-head with the Longhorns, I should stick with history.

Suchomel says: 50% - This one’s about a toss-up IMO. He grew up liking Texas but he and his mother also like the small-school feel of TCU and the small-town feel of A&M.

Howell says: 50% - Wheeler is a guy Texas jumped on recently and have jumped on quickly. Right now he has Texas behind TCU on his list but ahead of Texas A&M. Texas has some ground to make up right now.

Kennedy Estelle - OL - Pearland Dawson

Ketch says: 90% - He’s a priority for the staff and I think this will get done sooner rather than later.

Suchomel says: 85% - Estelle really liked the visit to Texas but new schools are entering the picture every day. Don’t be surprised if this one goes down soon, especially if UT gets Estelle’s mother on campus for a visit (she wasn’t able to make the junior day from my understanding).

Howell says: 75% - There is just something about Estelle. I just get this feeling he’s going to end up in the burnt orange. He has offers pouring in and has said he wants to take his time, but I just have a feeling Texas is the team to beat.

Michael Starts - OL - Waco La Vega

Ketch says: 70% - People familiar with his recruitment continue to believe that the Longhorns are in excellent position, but there’s some mixed info going around, which has me dropping my original slam dunk status.

Suchomel says: 75% - There were some thoughts that Starts may pull the trigger last week while in Austin, but he’s decided to wait things out. He and his family both really liked the visit.

Howell says: 55% - Starts definitely had a great visit and the Longhorns made a strong impression. He has already visited Baylor and Texas A&M and is looking at a few schools out there. He is not in a hurry to make a decision, but Texas is looking good right now.

Mario Edwards - DE - Denton Ryan

Ketch says: 25% - A person I trust told me this week that there are some in the program that believe he’s a “pipe-dream”. I’m not ready to go that far, but there’s no question that Florida State is in the pole position.

Suchomel says: 35% - The state’s top prospect visited Texas on Saturday, which is an obvious good sign, but this one still looks like Florida State. We’ll see where it goes from here though.

Howell says: 35% - I really didn’t know what to put on this one. I think Texas has as good a shot as any though. Edwards is not doing a lot of talking and anything said is pretty much speculation. You have to think Florida St. is in the mix but the fact they made the trip to Austin has to bode well for the Longhorns.

Javonte Magee - DL - San Antonio Sam Houston

Ketch says: 70% - Magee wants to take his time in the recruiting process, but he’s expected to stay close to home when the dust clears and the Longhorns have a strong San Antonio foundation. As long as the slows don’t fill up and he’s in the picture, the Longhorns are the team to beat.

Suchomel says: 45% - Magee likes Texas, but he maintains that he’s in no hurry and he wants to see some other schools. This one’s pretty tough to predict right now.

Howell says: 50% - It’s not that I don’t feel good about Magee because I think Texas definitely helped themselves. They also have Quincy Russell signed on in the 2011 class. This is one of my favorites because he has such a high ceiling. He liked what he heard Sunday and he will be one to watch this year.

Tim Cole - LB - Brenham

Ketch says: 50% - I know he’s at a school that appears to be emerging as an A&M feeder program, but this kid has come to Austin THREE times with his parents. Mack Brown typically does not lose kids that make that much of an effort to check out the 40 Acres. Maybe I’m just crazy…

Suchomel says: 50% - I’m probably a little higher on this one than most, but I continue to hear that Cole and his family really liked the visit last weekend. The ties to Texas A&M are going to be tough to overcome. It will be interesting to hear how he feels coming out of this weekend’s visit to A&M.

Howell says: 65% - Cole is going to take his time and think things over, but I think this is one the Longhorns win in the end. Texas A&M has some momentum in Brenham right now but Cole has taken two trips to Austin in the last month and his last visit was said to be the standard to which all other college visits will be measured by.

LaDarrell McNeil - CB - A. Maceo Smith

Ketch says: 15% - Something just doesn’t feel right about his recruitment right now, especially after he left town without commenting on the status of an offer or where the Longhorns sit on his radar. With Duane Akina coming back, it’s possible that they are simply going to go elsewhere.

Suchomel says: 30% - Does he even have an offer? McNeil and his coaches aren’t talking, so it’s hard to predict. If this one goes on for a while, I’m guessing he winds up elsewhere.

Howell says: 60% - First off we have not been able to confirm his offer from the Longhorns, but I doubt he came in on Sunday and left without something. McNeil’s recruitment is going to be interesting to watch, but he has gone on record in the past saying Texas was his dream school.


We mentioned in last week’s War Room that Texas had extended a verbal scholarship offer to top OT Andrus Peat of Tempe Corona Del Sol.

Peat, one of the country’s top offensive line prospects, said this week that he’s probably not going to make it to UT’s junior day next weekend but he is hoping to set up a call with Mack Brown soon and set up a possible unofficial visit.

Will that visit actually happen? Time will tell, but anyone who has followed UT’s out-of-state recruiting for a while knows that a lot of players talk about their desire to fly into Austin to see Texas, only to see things fizzle out.

One thing that could help make this one happen … Texas has an ally in its corner in quarterback commitment Connor Brewer, also of Arizona. Brewer and Peat had no real relationship prior to Brewer’s commitment, but the two have talked a little bit since Peat picked up the UT offer and Brewer has said he’s going to keep singing UT’s praises with hopes of increasing the Longhorns’ chances. (Suchomel)


Caught up with Athens ATH Kendall Sanders on Thursday to get his thoughts on the UT junior day invitation that came through on Thursday afternoon.

Sanders, one of the state’s most dynamic athletes, reported to us about three weeks ago that he was hoping to hear from Texas, and if UT came calling he’d likely jump at the offer. Earlier this week, Sanders had yet to hear from Texas on the Horns’ February 26 junior day, and he was beginning to wonder if an invitation would happen.

He got the good news on February 26, and it sounds like the return of Duane Akina played a big part in the increased interest.

“Coach Chambers called my coach today,” Sanders said. “He said they want me to come up to the junior day and talked about the coaches coming in.”

While most schools are recruiting Sanders as a wide receiver, he said Texas has talked to him about playing defensive back.

“I would play DB but I really want to play receiver,” Sanders said.

As we mentioned earlier, Sanders has said he’d commit if Texas offered and while we still feel there’s a good chance of that happening, he said on Thursday that he’s still uncertain.

“They’d be high,” Sanders said of Texas if the Horns were to offer. “I don’t know if I’d jump at it, but they would be high on my list. I would have to get to know the coaches though before I was ready to make a decision.”

As for the UT junior day invitation …

“I’m really excited. It’s been the only school that I really liked since I was little. To maybe get a chance to play there is just crazy, just wonderful,” Sanders said. (Suchomel)


Due to Texas A&M’s success in recruiting Brenham players of late (the Aggies signed two players in the 2011 class and have three commits in the 2012 class), a lot of Longhorn fans have written off the top 2012 Brenham prospects as eventual Aggie commitments. Texas has an uphill battle, but it may be too early to completely throw in the towel.

Linebacker Malcom Brown was a late scratch from the fist UT junior day, but he’s been telling people this week that he plans to head to Austin on February 26 (a couple people we talked to this week said they’d put the odds on that visit actually happening at about 50/50).

On Cole, he’s apparently been telling people that his visit to Texas last week was his best so far (he is visiting A&M this weekend) and his parents were also reportedly very high on the trip to UT. One person we’ve talked to said Cole’s parents’ favorite visit so far was the most recent trip to UT.

Will it be enough to help Texas win out over A&M, particularly with the Aggies having established a pipeline into the Brenham program? That may still be tough but Texas has at least given Cole something to think about. (Suchomel)


It’s time to take another look at the confirmed attendees for the Horns’ February 26 Junior Day, and we separate them by the guys we feel are the most likely to receive formal scholarships.

Kendall Sanders, CB, Athens
Chances of an offer: Lock
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 85%
He’s a fan of the Longhorns and if they offer I think this one is done.

Malcom Brown, DT, Brenham
Chances of an offer: Lock
Percentage of commitment if offered: 45%
Texas has to make up some ground on Texas A&M but they appear to be closing quickly.

Peter Jinkens, LB, Dallas Skyline
Chances of an offer: Lock
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 50%
He couldn’t make it on the 13th but this is my darkhorse surprise commitment. He grew up a Longhorn fan, but Texas has some ground to make up right now.

Paul Boyette, Jr., DT, Humble
Chances of an offer: Strong
Percentage of commitment if offered: 95%
He has previously stated Texas was his top school and would likely commit to the Longhorns if offered.

Devonte Fields, DE, Arlington Martin
Chances of an offer: Strong
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 55%
He was unable to attend the Texas junior day on the 13th but he’s planning to make it back. He is not naming favorites right now.

Trey Williams, RB, Spring DeKaney
Chances for an offer: Decent
Percentage of commitment if offered: 40%
Last time we did this we said Williams had a decent chance and I still think he does if he makes it in. It will be interesting to watch. A&M feels good about him, Auburn’s name has also come up. However, Texas has always been a school he has liked a lot.

Justin Thomas, CB, West Orange-Stark
Chances of an offer: Decent
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 55%
Looking forward to seeing how this one plays out. Got to love DBs out of WOS.

Corey Coleman, ATH (RB/WR/DB), Richardson Pearce
Chances of an offer: Decent
Percentage of commitment if offered: 90%
If Texas offers I think this one is done. He already holds offers from Oklahoma St., Baylor, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Damien Neroes, LB, Garland
Chances of an offer: Decent
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 75%
Texas has been one of his top schools for awhile and a good visit could go a long way.

Nicholas Coleman, CB, San Antonio East Central
Chances of an offer: Decent
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 75%
He is playing things out right now but has a strong interest in Texas.

Bryson Echols, CB, DeSoto
Chances of an offer: Decent
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 55%
I’m a big fan and hope he gets an offer.

Zorrell Ezell, DT, Humble
Chances of an offer: Unlikely
Percentage of commitment if offered: 60%
He already holds a few offers and is really active. I don’t think Texas goes for him right now though.

Anthony Smith, DT, Spring Westfield
Chances of an offer: Unlikely
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 85%
If Texas offers I think he could pull the trigger and joins former Westfield teammate Desmond Jackson.

Ralphael Green, OL, San Antonio Sam Houston
Chances for an offer: Unlikely
Percentage of commitment if offered: 90%
Green visited on Sunday and said Texas is at the top of his list. He is on the UT radar but right now I do not think he will pick up an offer.

Taiwan Johnson, DE, Manvel
Chances of an offer: Unlikely
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 75%
He says he hasn’t really heard much from Texas

Alex Lyons, LB, DeSoto
Chances of an offer: Unlikely
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 65%
I do not see a Texas offer at this time.

Leo Thomas, S, San Antonio Sam Houston
Chances of an offer: Unlikely
Percentage of a commitment if offered: 90%
I don’t see an offer at this point.

Aviante Collins, OL, Fort Bend Willowridge (unable to attend)
He is not attending, but he did receive an invitation. He has connection to TCU and he has said in the past they were at the top of his list.

Other Possibles
Trevor Knight, QB, San Antonio Reagan
Timothy Wright, RB, La Marque
Greg Brantley, OL, Carthage
Camrhon Hughes, OL, Harker Heights
Jarius Moore, LB, Galena Park North Shore
Will Hines, CB, Waco
Edward Pope, S, Carthage


This post was edited on 2/18 8:47 AM by Suchomel
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