Inside the War Room (July 24th/25th)


Resident Blockhead
May 29, 2001
Texas coach Charlie Strong deserves a lot of credit for acting swiftly upon learning Kendall Sanders and Montrel Meander were going to be arrested for an alleged sexual assault on campus.

University of Texas police Chief David Carter said he informed the athletic department about the charges on Thursday morning. Strong responded a few hours later by indefinitely suspending both players. It will take a lot for either player to ever be reinstated at Texas.

During the recent Big 12 Media Days, Strong said "If you don't want to be a part of this football team, break a core value." Treating women with respect is one of Strong's core values, and he expressed his disappointment about both players being in this situation during a press release on Thursday.

Meander and Sanders deserve their day in court, but playing football is a privilege. Strong decided neither deserved that privilege after details of the incident surfaced on Thursday. Considering Texas needs playmakers, it would have been easy for Strong to do nothing until the legal issue is resolved. Instead, Strong put his convictions before a desire to win games.

None of us at are assigning guilt or innocence right now.

We are just applauding Strong for making a difficult decision look easy. (Richardson)


Here are some interesting leftover quotes from Big 12 Media Days:

Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy on recruiting in east Texas:

"We've had success in East Texas, and then Texas in general we've got, give or take a few, 71 players on our team from the state of Texas. And we've always felt like that Texas was in‐state recruiting for us, and it's easy for the players in East Texas to get to Stillwater. They're very comfortable in our community. The high schools, the people in that region are a lot like the people in Stillwater. So I think they're very comfortable in our environment. Our coaches have done a good job identifying players that may be overlooked by some of the other schools that we think have a good future. And we've been very fortunate to have success in East Texas."

Big 12 commissioner Bob Bowlsby on the lack of a championship game:

"No, really. I'm not. Although, we're certainly not oblivious to it. I like our path to the championship. Our champion has been decided on the last day of the season for about five years. So we have great competition at the end of the year. I think there will be a year when we'll say: Gosh, if we could have just played one more good opponent we might have been able to demonstrate that we were good enough. But you also, when you play that playoff game at the end of the year, you also have two of your better teams presumably that play each other, and one of them becomes damaged goods. And it may not be the one you want. So I think that the answer is some years it's a good thing; some years it's not a good thing. But I like our paths to the championship. I think the fact that we play everybody in our league is a nuance that is not going to be lost on the selection committee. They will look very carefully at other leagues when you're 7‐1 and another league ‐‐ it's not going to be 7‐1 as a standalone number. It's 7‐1 based on who you played and who you beat and also who you didn't play. So I like our path to the championship very much. And that really is sum and substance of why we are promoting the difference between how we determine a champion and how determine their champions."

Baylor coach Art Briles on his expectations of Bryce Petty this season:

"You know, honestly, personally and professionally, I'm a little upset about the way it all transpired last year. I certainly felt like he should have been in New York without I mean, your first‐year starter you win 11 football games, win the Big 12 Championship for the first time in school history, throw 4200 yards, 33 TDs, three picks, and you sit at home in December? Do those numbers again this year, he'll be in New York. Might win it. But that's the whole deal. His perception, his image is different than a year ago because he had nothing. Now he's got substance, he's got something people can believe. What he can bring this year is an attitude of when I talk, people are going to listen a little bit. Like I tell the players you want to be listened to, produce. He's produced. He's got a chance to be heard. When he speaks, now people listen. As far as what he can do this year just win football games, win games with his national name, everything will take care of itself."

Texas Tech coach Kliff Kingsbury on quarterback Patrick Mahomes:
"He's got to be ready to play. We only have Davis and him on scholarship as far as quarterbacks go. But he's a tremendous athlete. Still raw, still learning the position, a guy who was a three sport star in high school. Never focused on quarterback, but tremendous upside play‐making ability. And a guy that can really extend plays, which is good as a true freshman because half the time they don't know what they're doing so that comes into play. And he'll be able to move the football if he has to go in and take some snaps."

Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops on his optimism about receiver Dorial Green-Beckman playing this season:
"Yes, there's an appeal being processed, so that hasn't been ruled on yet. But as far as the process of him being a part of our team, through extensive conversations, first of all, I had a close relationship as did Coach Norvell, our receiver coach, from recruiting Dorial personally as well as with his family. And then through extensive conversations with the people at Missouri and our people, it was something that we felt the person that he is, the potential that he has as a young man and as an individual, that we felt the opportunity to give him a second chance at our place could serve him well and be great for his future and believe in him as a young man and what he's able to maybe continue. So through that process we gave him the opportunity to be with us."

Kansas State coach Bill Snyder on what kind of advice he would give Strong:
"I visited with Charlie just a little bit ago. I was pleased to hear him talk about his family and daughters moving to Austin. It's not easy being a child of a head football coach anyplace in the country for that matter. I think the important thing is just be who you are. And if you indeed do that, be who you are, care about people ‐‐ I think Charlie cares about people ‐‐ I think things can work out fine for him."

Texas running back Malcolm Brown is not huge to set a ton of personal goals, but he does have one entering this season.

Brown recently said he wants to rush for over 1,000 yards in 2014. Last season, Brown rushed for a career-high 904 yards and nine touchdowns.

"I don't focus on them a lot, but I feel like in the Big 12 if you break that 1,000 mark, some good things will happen," Brown said.

Many were surprised when Oklahoma State offensive line coach Joe Wickline left the Cowboys to join Strong's staff.

Despite reports there was a rift between Gundy and Wickline, the coach praised his former assistant during Big 12 Media Days (after pointing out Texas has more money than his program).

"Joe has to speak for himself but he made a decision based on his career and where he was at in his age and his life, Gundy said. "Sometimes when you're at a place as long as him ... guys move on; we had a great relationship and I'm very thankful for what he did for us during the time he was here." (Richardson)


Lost in all the team news this week is the fact that it's a pretty big recruiting weekend coming up for the Longhorns.

The state's top prospect, Mesquite Poteet linebacker Malik Jefferson will headline this weekend's visitors. According to Jefferson's father, the family is planning to come into Austin on Saturday to visit some family and friends and may make a mini-vacation out of the trip.

As for the objective of the visit, Mr. Jefferson said it's simply a chance for Malik to get some time with the Texas coaches and continue to build his relationships.

"It's not for me or my wife. It's for my son. We're just there to facilitate and support Malik's recruiting," Mr. Jefferson said. "We have given him enough information, a foundation of things he needs to look for. He has to get a gut feeling of where he wants to go. All the schools recruiting him are great schools, great universities. We're pretty comfortable with whatever school he chooses. It's more for Malik deciding on where he wants to play."

"Wherever you work, or play, you want to make sure it's an enjoyable environment and you have to enjoy yourself, feel comfortable with the people you're playing with. So this will be a chance for him to get comfortable with the coaches."

We'll follow up with Jefferson and/or his family after the visit to get their thoughts. Jefferson is a long way from making a decision, but the Longhorns continue to surge in this one and this weekend's visit should only help UT's chances. (Suchomel)


Coppell offensive lineman Connor Williams, who picked up a UT offer in the spring, is scheduled to come to Austin on Friday night and he'll be on the UT campus on Saturday.

Williams has an extensive list of offers, including scholarships from Oklahoma, Ohio State, Baylor, Georgia, Michigan, Oregon and UCLA. He recently visited Stanford, UCLA and Oregon and said he'd like to visit UT, Georgia and Ohio State before trimming his list.

We'll try to catch up with Williams after his visit to get a report. (Suchomel)


Rivals100 wide receiver John Burt told me on Thursday that he'll make his way to Austin on Monday for a weeklong visit.

Prior to heading to Austin, Burt will announce his commitment on Sunday afternoon. The Longhorns have been his leader for a while, and in talking to someone with knowledge of the Tallahassee Lincoln product's recruitment, Texas fans should be very confident.

"My vibe is that he's leaning strongly towards Texas for a lot of reasons," one source said. "One, he likes Charlie Strong. He's been talking to him since Louisville and offered him there. Another big reason, his grandmother and aunt lived there all his life. He's been going to Austin regularly for quite some time.

"Those two things coming together, I think he's really fond of Texas. Florida State is a good hometown choice coming off a national championship, but I think the situation is lining up better for him at Texas right now, especially with their wide receiver situation going on there now.

"I was telling a friend, he either (picks Texas) or he's the best poker player in the world and he's duping all of us." (Suchomel)


Top national 2016 QB Shea Patterson was hoping to visit UT for the "Under the Lights" camp last Friday, but had to change his plans and wound up making a stop by LSU, causing some fans to go into panic mode.

We caught up with Patterson's father, who put things in perspective.

"He had a 7 on 7 tournament on Saturday morning (in Baton Rouge). There was no way we could get over to Texas and get back by the first game by 9 in the morning because I had to work (on Friday). It really was no big deal. I talked to the coaching staff (at Texas), they understood.

"Then in the meantime, on our way down there (to 7 on 7), the rain came and they cancelled the tournament, so we thought we might as well go there."

Patterson, out of Shreveport Calvary Academy, remains committed to Arizona. Texas is still very much in the picture, but the Longhorns have yet to offer. In my opinion, the longer Texas waits, the more UT's chances take a hit. Patterson has visited Texas once already, but at some point he's going to begin turning the majority of his focus towards the schools that have extended scholarships ... if he hasn't already.

The Pattersons have stayed in close contact with Texas co-OC Shawn Watson and have given Watson rave reviews, but they're still waiting for a decision on whether or not Texas will join the ranks of the schools that have offered.

"If I was a guessing guy, Shea had a pretty good camp (at UT in June). He's rated as the number one guy in the country, Texas is trying to rebuild the program. He played in the state, his sister lives in San Antonio. If he's lucky enough to get an offer, he'll figure out what to do with it," Mr. Patterson said. "But he doesn't have an offer yet."

Patterson's brother, Sean Patterson, recently left his job at Arizona to take a quality control job at LSU where he'll work closely with LSU offensive coordinator Cam Cameron. Sean had been in contact with LSU for a while and while his move may help LSU in its recruitment of Shea, Sean has shown an ability to be a successful recruiter in the state of Louisiana (he helped Arizona recruit the state and helped secure four 2015 commitments from Louisiana).

"He had kind of made a name for himself. The position opened up, they asked him, it was a tough decision for him, but he took the position and started this week. The kid's paid his dues. He played college football, went to Germany and played pro football. He gets to come closer to home. Not only that, he gets to watch Shea.

"We're so excited for Sean, we haven't even thought about Shea. But I don't think you'll see Shea make any rash decisions any time soon. He's not that kind of kid. He's going to sit back, take it all in and compete."

We'll keep an eye on this one moving forward. The Longhorns are in a pretty good spot, but it might be wise for Texas to make a move with an offer in the near future before Patterson slips out of reach. (Suchomel)


In the next few weeks, we'll be updating the LSR Top 100 for 2016, but in the meantime I thought it was the perfect time to step back and take an exhaustive look at the layout of the land within the state of Texas among the early Top 25.

When I last did this exorcise in early May, things looked downright scary for the Longhorns among the top players in the class, but the Longhorns are clearly picking up momentum in a hurry.

No.1: Gregory Little/OL/Allen

Breakdown: The Aggies landed one of the first haymakers in the 2016 recruiting year with the commitment of the state's top overall prospect and even though Little has been very complimentary of the Texas program, pulling him from Allen High might be an impossible task, given his relationship with Kyler Murray and the rest of the A&M pipeline that has linked strongly to one of the state's top programs.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via AggieYell on 6/20/14) "I feel real comfortable with A&M. I love everything about it. It's fun up there, so I decided, why wait?"

"Location is one thing. The SEC is another, and the spread offense -- I love playing in the spread offense."

(Via Orangebloods on 4/20/14) "It was a blast. I like Coach Wickline a lot; great coach, great man [that] has a lot of character. That's what kind of attracted me to Texas today."

"(Wickline) sends guys to the league. He's very honest and real with you. I like that about him."

"I try to give (Texas) a call once a week so seeing how things are going, they keep me updated. Just talking about how they like me, asking me how I've been, the small things."

No.2: Kendell Jones/DT/Killeen Shoemaker

Breakdown: A native of Louisiana, Jones has already made numerous trips to Austin this year, including the Spring Game, a Junior Day and the Under the Lights Camp. Although he's been hesitant to name a leader, no other school that he's considering has received this much face-to-face time. I don't believe it's a stretch at all to say the Longhorns represent the betting favorite.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via OB on 6/3/14) "I've always know about Texas, they're a very strong program. That's all they do is work. Any off-sides, it was five up-downs. Any mistake - if we didn't get in our gap - it was five up-downs. It's all part of football."

"I mean they are definitely in my top three that I really like. No comment on the rest. I can't choose where I want to go yet."

"What I want to major in in college is mechanical engineering, and they have a great program in that. That's one of the big things I like. And their strength and conditioning program for football is great too. It was fun today."

No.3: Eric Monroe/DB/North Shore

Breakdown: Monroe raved about his experience in Austin last week and it would appear that the Longhorns are emerging as a major factor in his recruitment. It's early and his recruitment is still developing, but he lived in Austin for six years, knows the city and grew up watching the program. LSU and UCLA appear to be the primary competition, along with A&M.

Key quotes: (Via OB on 7/21) "Great, man. I love Austin and the people there."

(Via Gamecock Illustrated on 7/19) "LSU, just their program. They have a really good coaching staff and good engineering program. At UCLA, the coaching staff is crazy. It's real cool there. I have two former teammates that go to UCLA, so they tell me about it."

"I just looked up the last year's games and they stand out to me. They have that mentality on defense, and that swag about them. I liked that."

"At first, I didn't really like A&M. I think I want to take a visit down there. I think I could get to play as a freshman. I 'm double checking A&M."

(Sophomore Video)

No.4: Brandon Jones/DB/Nacogdoches

Breakdown: The Aggies are the team to beat and he nearly committed to A&M earlier in the year (with his mom's blessing), but he seems to be opening things up as the offers start to pour in.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via Rivals on 6/6/14) "Texas A&M is pretty much the only school I've visited being in Texas and all and my mom always comes with me and she really likes it there, wants me to commit there early, so I'll have to see what happens."

"I like my recruiting coach, coach (Tim) Brewster, and my position coach is really cool. It's a great place to live and they won the championship last year so I'm assuming they're pretty good."

(Via Rivals on 5/6) "I'm just trying to enjoy it while I can and I'm starting to get more schools interested in me and I'm just enjoying it right now."

"I went for (A&M's) junior day and I went with my mom. She actually loved it there a lot. She likes that the main focus is academics and stuff, and I like it because they make it feel like you're pretty much still at home. The way they take care of you and they are a really good football team and produce really good football players in the league."

"Right now of the teams that have offered me it would have to be LSU and I really like Notre Dame too. And probably Oklahoma. And Florida State for sure."

"I'd have to say a school that has a really good season every year and gets better throughout the year. They focus on their defense and are a defense kind of school and a school that let's their DBs do multiple things like blitz and play man. Also because I'm hoping to run track in college too so whichever school allows me to run track and has a really good track team will decide that."

(Via OB on 4/3/14) "I've liked Texas for a long time, actually. It's not too far away from home, it's a really good school to go to and it looks great that you graduated from UT.

"If they offered, they would definitely be in my top five."

No.5: Devin Duvernay/WR/Sachse

Breakdown: Nothing has changed in the way I view his recruitment. Although he's cooled down some of the heavy public love that he has showed in the past for the Longhorns, you'd have to think that Charlie Strong and Co. are in outstanding shape with the young receiver. Considering he's been "a fan since I was born".

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via Rivals on 5/14/) "Right now everyone is equal. I'm looking at everyone equally."

(Via IrishIllustrated on 4/29) "It's really just how the coaches do things and if I fit their offense. If they run things how we run them over at our school, so it fits me. If they'll get me in open space and if there's playing time."

(Via SoonerScoop on 4/27/14) "(My decision is) pretty open, but I mean I have things that I look for - I'm looking for a team that gets receivers into the open field, runs jet sweeps, and screens, and stuff that is similar to what we do here,"

(Via OB on 4/16/14) "(Texas would) be right in the mix. I like that in some recent years, I like what they've done and how they run their offense. I think it would a good fit."

"I like the history and what they've done with players, how they've put players in the league."

(Via Rivals on 3/21/14) "Before recruiting started? Yeah, I was a big LSU and Texas fan growing up."

"I'd have to say Texas. I've just been a Texas Longhorn fan since I was born. I've always watched them in every sport."

No.6: Patrick Hudson/OL/Silsbee

Breakdown: In one of the shocks of the summer, Hudson de-committed from A&M and committed to Baylor. I think it's fairly safe to assume that anything is possible in his recruitment at this stage.

(Sophomore Video)

No.7 Kaden Smith/TE/Flower Mound Marcus

Breakdown: The longer his recruitment goes on, the better you have to like everyone's chances, including UT's, after it once looked like this was a certain Stanford/Alabama battle. Hell, it might still be a Stanford/Alabama battle, but he's keeping a very open public position and seems to be backing it up with his actions.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via Rivals on 7/17) "To be honest right now I'm not really sure. I don't really want to narrow it down until I know for sure and visit other schools."

"I'm still looking at a few schools. I'm thinking about going down to Georgia for the first time in a couple of weeks and I'm just trying to branch out and see other schools I'm not really thinking about right now.

(Via CardinalSportsReport on 4/11/14) "I was really hoping for an offer. I definitely wasn't expecting it because they don't offer sophomores. I was standing in the Skybox in Stanford Stadium and we were having lunch there - it was right after we talked to the professors. Coach Shaw came over and told me that they were offering me a scholarship. So I was just really excited about that. My parents were there and they were very happy about that."

"That just shows they have confidence in me. I'm really very thankful for that. I was surprised since they didn't offer any other sophomores."

"I'm not really sure about that yet," said Smith when asked about his favorites. "I would like to take it a little slow. I'm not really sure when I would like to commit or anything. I'm just waiting for the time to come."

(Via OB on 2/28/14) "I saw plenty of film on how they used them at Louisville. They used double tight ends. The numbers for the tight ends were really impressive because I thought Louisville was a spread team and I was wrong. One tight end had 36 (catches) and another had 18."

(Via AggeYell on 2/3/14) "I'm really looking for a school with great academics and a school that uses tight ends. I'm not sure when I will commit though; I still have got a lot of time to figure it out."

(Via Rivals on 1/15/14) "Definitely Stanford does, that I don't have an offer from. They're a great school. They have a great education and Palo Alto is so nice. It's definitely far away from where my parents will be, but I think it will be worth it. They have a great football team and they use their tight ends in a bundle and they're just great all around."

(Via on 7/19/13) "Alabama offered me. I met with Coach Saban after the camp. He sat my dad and I down in his office. He told me they were offering me.

"I was really excited about the offer. I was just thanking him. My sister is actually a junior at Alabama. I have been up there several times. I went to the Ole Miss game last year. I went to the North Texas game a few years ago."

"I definitely think the coaches are really cool. I can relate to them easily. Their facilities are really nice. My sister goes there. She said she will try to squeeze out another year if I go there. My dad isn't a fan of that."

No.8: Ed Oliver/DT/Houston Westfield

Breakdown: Two months ago, the Sooners appeared to be an early leader with LSU running second, but neither is in his top three as of this week, while the Longhorns are surging after last week's Under the Lights camp.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via OB on 7/23) "Definitely Texas and UofH (Houston). And A&M," Oliver said when asked what schools are on top of his list.

"With Texas, just because my brother (Toby Weathersby) went here and I like it here. It's the only camp I came to all summer and I went to two of their camps," Oliver said. "With Houston, my real brother (Marcus Oliver) committed there. A&M, they're close to home and I like it there."

"It's my decision, so I don't let them get to me. It's my decision," Oliver said. "I'll make my decision next summer."

No.9 Jared Mayden/DB/Sachse

Breakdown: This one is a tough one to call. TCU is a school that he's been talking up a lot as of late, but he once listed the Longhorns as an early leader and his dad is a former Oklahoma basketball player. Stay tuned.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via Rivals on 7/1) "TCU, the coaching staff and they also have very good defenses over there," Mayden said. "OU with Coach Wright he's a good coach and Mike Stoops is a good character. Oklahoma State, Coach Malone, I really like him. Ohio State, I've been talking to coach Ash. I haven't met him face-to-face yet, but he just put Roby in the league so that's a good place to start. And Oregon, I talk to coach Neal a lot. He's come down to the school before so I know what he looks like. He has a good plan so definitely Oregon also."

"I want to make a top 10 at least a couple of weeks before school starts, so before the season like in August…August 15 or sometime in there. Then I want to be done with this around February. Probably sometime after Signing Day at the Team USA games. That's what I want to do."

(Via OB on 4/19/14) "The Texas Spring Game was very good. It was competition at its finest. Players flying around trying to make plays. Big hits being made and big plays being made. Coach Strong is really getting the team in shape."

(Via SoonerScoop on 4/13/14) "I was a fan, we would watch almost every Oklahoma football game. I had OU shorts, slippers, jackets. And then basketball season came in and my dad always wanted us to play (as) Ryan Minor. He wanted us to do little Ryan Minor's drills."

(Via OB on 4/2/14) "I talked to them before the practice. I got to sit down in the meetings before they went on field. I talked to all the defensive coaches - coach (Chris) Vaughn, coach (Vance) Bedford, and coach (Chris) Rumph. I talked to coach (Charlie) Strong too. They were talking about their vision for getting Texas back on top and how if fit in their defense."

"They're definitely up there. It's nice to come back and see but I don't have to really make any crucial decisions right now. In the summer when I come up for camp and actually work for them, I'll have a better idea of where things are."

(Via InsideTulsaSports on 3/6/14) "I was surprised (of the Texas offer). I was around coach (Charlie) Strong and my mom. I really wanted to smile (when they offered) but when I looked at him he had a straight face. She had a straight face. I didn't want to be the only one in the meeting smiling. I waited and tried to bite my lip, but I was excited."

No.10: Isaiah Chambers/DE/Aldine MacArthur

Breakdown: Nothing has changed. The Aggies are the early heavy favorite and the Longhorns will have to hope that as his offer list starts to pile up, his view of the recruiting process will open up with it.

(Sophomore Video)

No.11: Travon Fuller/DB/Athens

Breakdown: Nothing has changed. The Aggies have already offered and he's visited College Station numerous a couple of times. Everyone has some catch-up work to do.

(Sophomore Video)

No.12: Clarence Henderson/OL/Dallas Skyline

Breakdown: UCLA is the first major program to offer, but Henderson was in Austin last weekend and the Longhorns are definitely on the radar. This recruitment is just getting started.

(Sophomore Video)

No.13: Devwah Whaley/Ath/Beaumont Central

Breakdown: The Longhorns are emerging as the program to beat.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via OB on 6/13) "I met with basically every coach," Whaley said, who had been recruited previously mostly by RBs coach Tommie Robinson, "but for the actual offer, that was Coach Strong who offered me. They said they thought I did great."

"I don't know when I'll (commit), but Texas - Texas is high up on my list. I can't say right now that I only have one favorite, but Texas is definitely right up there."

No.14: Reggie Hemphill /WR/Manvel

Breakdown: It feels like the reset button in his recruitment has been hit and anything can happen at this point after once being committed to Texas and ten leaning to A&M earlier in the spring. After his visit to the Under the Lights Camp, the Longhorns appear to have regained their footing and are now a factor in his recruitment once again.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via OB on 4/3/14) "They're still in my top five. It would just take for me to build a relationship with the coaches kind of like I did the last time. The reason I committed the last time was because of my relationship with the coaches. They were real with me and that's what I liked. Since its new coaches, I want to see how they run the offense, see how they do this season."

(Via OB on 3/13/14) "I'm open regardless, but since they pulled it, I kind of have a new group of top schools. It's Texas A&M, Oregon, OU, Baylor too."

"I'm going to slow it down this time. At first, what happened, I committed so I wouldn't have to worry about recruiting anymore. Now that it's opened up, I'm just going to take it slow."

(Via OB on 9/4/13) "I don't know. I really don't know. It just hit me. I was talking to my family, my close friends. I was talking with family and it just kind of hit me. My whole family has been to the school, graduated or went to medical school there. My mother graduated from there. I have family friends that went there. One of my favorite players played there, Vince Young."

No.15: Dontavious Jackson/LB/Houston Elsik

Breakdown: Has visited Texas multiple times and has really hit it off with the new staff. The betting favorite would have to be the Longhorns at this point.

(Sophomore Video)

Key Quotes: (Via Rivals on 7/14) "My top four right now would have to be USC, Oklahoma State, UT and A&M."

No.16: Deontay Anderson/DB/Manvel

Breakdown: The Longhorns have emerged as one of the teams to beat, along with Auburn. Overall, Charlie Strong and Co. have made up a ton of ground in a hurry.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via Rivals on 7/7) "I'm still wide open. I'm just enjoying it while I can. I'm just really trying to focus on my team and trying to win this state championship. I know I'll play after that so I'm in the position to sit back and watch how other athletes go there and here and stuff like that. So I'm not trying to rush anything."

"I could say Auburn and UT," Anderson said of his favorite schools.

"Auburn it's just so much love they showed me and they have great people down at Auburn. Just so much love they showed me and not just me but so much respect for my parents and stuff. That's what really stood out.

"Coach Strong, they have a great new staff. They're just going to do great things. Being around Coach Strong, he's just so straight forward with it and he's a cool dude. He's a very cool dude. My parents love him, so I don't have a problem with him."

"Of course I've thought about it. I want to have at least a top 10 after this football season. A top five around the beginning of the summer. And I want to commit before my senior year. But I don't want to rush it at the same time either."

(Via OB on 6/13) "Just the people," Anderson said about what stood out about the UT visit. "They're some great people down there. It's all about relationships with them. Not only that, if you just go there, you go to get your degree. Now they said they're going to start to win. I really liked it."

(Via OB on 4/3/14) "Texas, what I like so far, from what I've been hearing, they're a very disciplined staff. That really goes a long way when you're trying to win a national championship. They're teaching responsibility, not just as a football player but as a man."

No.17: Justin Madubuike/DE/McKinney North

Breakdown: Has an early offer from Baylor, but the Longhorns will be tough to beat if they seriously enter the picture.

(Sophomore Video)

No.18: Kameron Martin /RB/Port Arthur Memorial

Breakdown: Martin committed to Baylor this month and claims that he is 100-percent locked in on the Bears.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via SicemSports on 7/15) "I've been thinking about this since Sunday,'' Martin said. "I just felt that the coaching staff would take care of me if I made this happen. It was a great feeling because I think I can be an impact player in their offense and have a chance to win a national championship and a Big 12 championship.''

"I'm 100 percent to Baylor,'' Martin said. "There's always going to be attention coming. But I want to stay true to my word.''

(Via OB on 5/2/14) "I haven't really been talking to (Texas) like I usually talk to them. I have a new favorite now so things have changed."

"I feel like that's a great place for me, but things can change."

"I don't know. They've been offering all types of people, but I still haven't got an offer," Martin said. "I'd have to really think about it. Right now, Florida State is my leader. I'd just have to really see. Things can change - you know how recruiting goes. But I would have to think about it."

No.19: Keenan Murphy/OL/Crosby

Breakdown: Murphy's stock really hasn't taken off yet, so it's too early to know which direction his recruitment will go. He'll likely be outside the top 25 in the next update of the LSR Top 100.

No.20: Michael Irvin/TE/Prestonwoon Christian

Breakdown: Until I see something that suggests something strongly in the other direction, you have to assume that this kid a Hurricane waiting to happen.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via OB on 7/14) "I love it. I love Miami, love coach (Al) Golden. I love all the coaches down there," Irvin said. "They always show me love and it's just a great atmosphere down there."

"Texas is recruiting me. Them and Texas Tech. That's pretty much it around Texas. Texas came to a couple of my spring practices and they talk to my coach all the time. They're pretty interested," Irvin said.

"Ever since I first started watching football I've seen Texas as a threat in the NCAA. So that's a good thing to me. I love a good team, I want to be able to win."

"I'm just always working hard. My dad always works me hard and I always try to work as hard as possible, always try to do something that someone else isn't doing," Irvin said. "That's what I love to do.

"He just tells me to be patient and everything will come, everything will happen the way I need it to happen and everything will work out the way it needs to work out. I love having him in my life. He helps me so much. We study film together all the time. That's helped bring my game to another level, gives me a different type of IQ to the game.

No.21: Trevor Speights/RB/McAllen Memorial

Breakdown: Speights committed to Arizona in March after taking an unofficial visit to Tucson, but he's attended a couple of non-Arizona camps, including the Texas camp in June.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via on 3/12/14) "I'm very excited to know that I'm going to be going there. Arizona's campus is beautiful, and it has everything that I'm looking for academic wise and football wise. So I'm just excited."

"Coach Rodriguez is a great coach, and I like what he's doing with the program at Arizona.

No.22: Marvin Terry/LB/South Oak Cliff

Breakdown: The offers are starting to pour in for the South Dallas product, but Oklahoma looks like the early team to beat.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via Rivals on 7/9) "OU, they haven't offered me yet, but they've caught my attention. I'm still waiting for that Alabama offer. But, like TCU…I went to the Texas a&M camp and I liked that camp. I think I could really help their program in the future years."
(Via Rivals on 4/23/14) "I really fell in love with the (Oklahoma) campus and the indoor field. It was really new to me and plus it was the first campus I ever toured. Everybody was really nice. Their health program, I really loved their health program. They let you know they're going to take care of you up there."

"Texas Tech like I said, OU, and Alabama. Their athletic programs and OU's academic program. What I want to major in, they have a good program."

No.23: Jalen Hurts/QB/Channelview

Breakdown: Hurts loves him some Texas and if the Longhorns offer, they'll be the heavy favorite.

(Sophomore Video)

Key quotes: (Via OB on 7/18) "Texas for sure. They're about business. Coach Shawn Watson came and watched me in the spring and he was about business. He's a very honest man."

(Via Orangebloods on 5/2/14) "Yes, Texas A&M and Texas for sure. Maybe LSU - but A&M and Texas for sure. Then U of H, those are the four schools that are showing the most interest."

No.24: Nic Smith/RB/Arlington Martin

Breakdown: Smith is a guy we need to check in with to get an update because I have no idea what's going on with him. I'm not sure many do.

(Sophomore Video)

No.25: Logan Bonner/QB/Rowlett

Breakdown: Has an offer from Boise State, but won't be as highly ranked in the next update.

(Sophomore Video) (Ketch)

This post was edited on 7/24 11:02 PM by Suchomel
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