Yeah, I know there is a very long thread about Christians and Islamaphobia, but I have to say I'm really ticked off about that nonsense today.
News trickling out of Turkey is that some of the neighbors of our latest successful terrorists noticed that they were doing some strange things in their apartment even with strange chemical smells, yet they did not report them to authorities.
Of course, in the Orlando case, the terrorist was reported by his coworkers, to no benefit.
In San Bernardino, neighbors noticed the strange projects going on in the terrorists' garage, but they did not want to be assumed racist by saying anything.
In the case of Ft. Hood, we now know that Nadal Hassan was known by his coworkers to attend radical mosques and to have some radical history, yet he was left in the active service, allowing him to kill and maim so many soldiers and others on base.
My point is that the entire notion of "Islamaphobia" is absolutely reckless and destructive. Of course you should be observant of your Muslim neighbors and colleagues. It does not mean that you should be rude or mean, just observant. Of course you should say something if you notice something strange going on, and of course authorities should take decisive action when they are tipped off.
If you are pushing some notion that Christians or Jews or anyone else has a racist tendency toward Islamaphobia, I'm sorry, but you have innocent blood on your hands today for pushing such an irrational and destructive idea. Just stop with the nonsense.
News trickling out of Turkey is that some of the neighbors of our latest successful terrorists noticed that they were doing some strange things in their apartment even with strange chemical smells, yet they did not report them to authorities.
Of course, in the Orlando case, the terrorist was reported by his coworkers, to no benefit.
In San Bernardino, neighbors noticed the strange projects going on in the terrorists' garage, but they did not want to be assumed racist by saying anything.
In the case of Ft. Hood, we now know that Nadal Hassan was known by his coworkers to attend radical mosques and to have some radical history, yet he was left in the active service, allowing him to kill and maim so many soldiers and others on base.
My point is that the entire notion of "Islamaphobia" is absolutely reckless and destructive. Of course you should be observant of your Muslim neighbors and colleagues. It does not mean that you should be rude or mean, just observant. Of course you should say something if you notice something strange going on, and of course authorities should take decisive action when they are tipped off.
If you are pushing some notion that Christians or Jews or anyone else has a racist tendency toward Islamaphobia, I'm sorry, but you have innocent blood on your hands today for pushing such an irrational and destructive idea. Just stop with the nonsense.