Joshua Moore dude seriously?

No LTC for 19-year-olds.

Another question for him: What the hell made you think carrying a pistol loaded with a 33-round mag was going to work?
It was probably for the best he got caught this way and it’s only a misdemeanor. Who knows where that all could lead to under a different scenario? Hell when I was 19 I was worried about beer and women, that’s about it. Simpler times back then I suppose
Wait--- campus carry is legal now. Was he not on campus?
Legal is one thing but doing it in extremely liberal Austin is another. I didn't hear if he was on campus or not. If so, I bet one of those dildo wagging protesters got 'em.

(Weak joke only, not talking politics)
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Legal is one thing but doing it in extremely liberal Austin is another. I didn't hear if he was on campus or not. If so, I bet one of those dildo wagging protesters got 'em.

(Weak joke only, not talking politics)
Are you insinuating that Beto would be better served offering a dildo buy back program rather than him showing up at gun shows unannounced talking about gun buyback programs? If that’s what you’re saying then I fully concur.
Pretty funny banter there fellas . . . good stuff. What I want to know is what thought processes occur to where a 19 year old kid actually comes to the conclusion that taking an un-registered hand gun out on the town is a good idea?? What could possibly go wrong . . . right?? I guess my white privilege is showing?? ;)
Pretty funny banter there fellas . . . good stuff. What I want to know is what thought processes occur to where a 19 year old kid actually comes to the conclusion that taking an un-registered hand gun out on the town is a good idea?? What could possibly go wrong . . . right?? I guess my white privilege is showing?? ;)

Wanna be Gangsta!
Wanna be Gangsta!
This. FB isn't always right but he's spot on here. There's a culture amongst many young black men (and some white) that grow up in certain areas of certain cities that they must be armed. Some are justified and some are not. But right now, he lives in a VERY protected bubble as a Texas athlete and if he feels the need to carry a gun, it's because he's either stupid, and trying to be gangster-- or he's hanging out in the WRONG places. I'm guessing it's a bit of both. The "ghetto" areas of Austin are not where a Texas football player should be hanging out. Period. You live in the second most progressive city in America and yet you're carrying around a gun?

This has the air of "I wanna act like a gangster for attention" written all over it.
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This. FB isn't always right but he's spot on here. There's a culture amongst many young black men (and some white) that grow up in certain areas of certain cities that they must be armed. Some are justified and some are not. But right now, he lives in a VERY protected bubble as a Texas athlete and if he feels the need to carry a gun, it's because he's either stupid, and trying to be gangster-- or he's hanging out in the WRONG places. I'm guessing it's a bit of both. The "ghetto" areas of Austin are not where a Texas football player should be hanging out. Period. You live in the second most progressive city in America and yet you're carrying around a gun?

This has the air of "I wanna act like a gangster for attention" written all over it.

The kid is from Yoakum,TX! Haven’t you ever been through that city? There is definitely no “gangsters” in that city. I don’t think where he came from played a role in him being armed on campus. More than likely just trying to be cool and not thinking about the consequences that were in store.
Pretty funny banter there fellas . . . good stuff. What I want to know is what thought processes occur to where a 19 year old kid actually comes to the conclusion that taking an un-registered hand gun out on the town is a good idea?? What could possibly go wrong . . . right?? I guess my white privilege is showing?? ;)

The bigger question to me is how did he think he was going to CC with a 30 round clip?
This. FB isn't always right but he's spot on here. There's a culture amongst many young black men (and some white) that grow up in certain areas of certain cities that they must be armed. Some are justified and some are not. But right now, he lives in a VERY protected bubble as a Texas athlete and if he feels the need to carry a gun, it's because he's either stupid, and trying to be gangster-- or he's hanging out in the WRONG places. I'm guessing it's a bit of both. The "ghetto" areas of Austin are not where a Texas football player should be hanging out. Period. You live in the second most progressive city in America and yet you're carrying around a gun?

This has the air of "I wanna act like a gangster for attention" written all over it.
Agree. I would opine that the 33 round mag is a dead give away between carrying a gun for protection vs carrying one in a ‘wanna be’ fashion. Kind of hard to be inconspicuous and concealing a gun with a 33 round capacity. As I said above it’s probably best this kid got caught with a misdemeanor rather than a possible alternative later.
The bigger question to me is how did he think he was going to CC with a 30 round clip?

It's a mag or magazine. Please don't give incorrect vernacular ammo to aggy to make fun of all of us because you don't know the difference between something that holds paper (a clip) and something that holds ammunition (a magazine). Yes know there such things as stripper clips, but not in this case. It's a mag. :)
The kid is from Yoakum,TX! Haven’t you ever been through that city? There is definitely no “gangsters” in that city. I don’t think where he came from played a role in him being armed on campus. More than likely just trying to be cool and not thinking about the consequences that were in store.
I had forgotten he was from little town yoakum. So then yes, he had it because he wanted to pretend to be thug life gangsta boy. He had it for the attention. Just pure stupidity.
It was probably for the best he got caught this way and it’s only a misdemeanor. Who knows where that all could lead to under a different scenario? Hell when I was 19 I was worried about beer and women, that’s about it. Simpler times back then I suppose
I was dating a black girl my junior year. She invited me into the bedroom, I sat down on a .38 under the pillow. A little unnerving. We didn't last long.
Jeff Howe reporting that he is gone......or at least thats what I heard. I cant find anything to back this up however.....
I saw this clip from Saban regarding giving athletes second chances. I am not really saying either way what should happen to Moore, but, just something to think about. I know the better athletes get stronger consideration for a second chance, but, that comes with the territory. Some may not like it, but, that is how life rolls.

I saw this clip from Saban regarding giving athletes second chances. I am not really saying either way what should happen to Moore, but, just something to think about. I know the better athletes get stronger consideration for a second chance, but, that comes with the territory. Some may not like it, but, that is how life rolls.

That's pretty fvcking strong right there.
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Looks like it's a family thing. Evidently his brother Jordan was suspended from Houston indefinitely. Is something serious going on with this family. Maybe they are a family of secret spies by night and mild mannered football players by day.
Pretty funny banter there fellas . . . good stuff. What I want to know is what thought processes occur to where a 19 year old kid actually comes to the conclusion that taking an un-registered hand gun out on the town is a good idea?? What could possibly go wrong . . . right?? I guess my white privilege is showing?? ;)

To be fair. All guns in Texas are unregistered, unless they’re NFA firearms.