Caught Cowgerd yesterday and I was floored, she’s a smokeshow

Don’t know what you see, but dang she’s smokingShe used to look a lot better before all the added weight. If you see her on Twitter her hotness will drop quickly. Annoying AF.
Damn! She was hotter. Sometimes less is more.Used to be hotter before weight gain and going full LA plastic surgery on her body.
I find her voice to be very annoying. Really surprised she has such a large presence on the show.
Why do women keep injecting shit in to their lips until they look like that?
Why do women keep injecting shit in to their lips until they look like that?
Beats the hell outta me. I think it’s the kardashian influence. For whatever reason, women think that’s “the look”Why do women keep injecting shit in to their lips until they look like that?
She’s not wife material.... just hit and quit itHot but.... cray, cray as fk!
about 3 pounds of makeup