I can't pass up the opportunity.
So to set the scene, I've just finished my lunch at the office and want to grab some fresh air before getting back to the grind. I hit the call button in the hallway to bring the elevator to the 19th floor and step in when it arrives. Normally on floor 12 is the management group that runs the tower I work in downtown Houston - they should know the building pretty well, right? The elevator stops on the 12th floor and two older (looks like they're nearing retirement) guys join me in the elevator, one of them happens to be wearing a button down oxford branded with an aTm logo on the left hand pocket - hey, anybody can be a t-shirt fan, I leave him alone for the time being. The elevator hits the lobby and I gestured to my companions to let them know they can exit the elevator before me. The tower that I work in has badge gated access on every floor, one badge for the employer and one badge for general access to the building. As we get to the badge gate between the bank of elevators and the tower lobby we approach the gates (4 wide, the nearest exit is on the left), I happen to line up behind the aggsy - he presents his badge to the electronic badge reader... crickets... aggsy: "hmmm, must not be working?" he then moves over to one of the other gates and begins to try his badge again. In the interim, I stepped forward and get a quirk on my face, I couldn't help myself, I gambled, I look up at him and state, "just not for aggys" and the gates in front of me part like the red sea for Moses. I casually stroll out of the revolving door laughing like a maniac in my head. I have no clue if he even heard or acknowledged it, but that was a moment I won't forget for a while.
*disclosure: those badged gates readers suck and are highly inconsistent, pure gamble.
So to set the scene, I've just finished my lunch at the office and want to grab some fresh air before getting back to the grind. I hit the call button in the hallway to bring the elevator to the 19th floor and step in when it arrives. Normally on floor 12 is the management group that runs the tower I work in downtown Houston - they should know the building pretty well, right? The elevator stops on the 12th floor and two older (looks like they're nearing retirement) guys join me in the elevator, one of them happens to be wearing a button down oxford branded with an aTm logo on the left hand pocket - hey, anybody can be a t-shirt fan, I leave him alone for the time being. The elevator hits the lobby and I gestured to my companions to let them know they can exit the elevator before me. The tower that I work in has badge gated access on every floor, one badge for the employer and one badge for general access to the building. As we get to the badge gate between the bank of elevators and the tower lobby we approach the gates (4 wide, the nearest exit is on the left), I happen to line up behind the aggsy - he presents his badge to the electronic badge reader... crickets... aggsy: "hmmm, must not be working?" he then moves over to one of the other gates and begins to try his badge again. In the interim, I stepped forward and get a quirk on my face, I couldn't help myself, I gambled, I look up at him and state, "just not for aggys" and the gates in front of me part like the red sea for Moses. I casually stroll out of the revolving door laughing like a maniac in my head. I have no clue if he even heard or acknowledged it, but that was a moment I won't forget for a while.
*disclosure: those badged gates readers suck and are highly inconsistent, pure gamble.