KState vs OU

I just can't see anyone outscoring OU with Murray the rest of the reg season. Only if Texas makes the Big 12 champ. game is there a chance they lose. If Texas doesn't take them down they are in the playoffs and probably the only team with a chance to beat Bama.
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Bell, I’m encouraged by our defense as well but we have played a couple of pedestrian offenses. Our offense on the other hand....

Dammit. I was hoping all OU fans were getting all giddy over the defense because of the these last two games. Lol
Well, we are happy but we were at the point of no return defensively. It couldn’t get any worse. The bye week and two anemic offenses coming up were a great time to make a change. Are we a playoff team? I doubt it. Does Texas want a rematch? I doubt that too.
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