Let us discuss these two terms. They are very different, but it seemed to the USA in the 1990s that the Clinton camp just started using progressive because Reagan had made liberal a bad word. Progressive era policies like trust busting, prohibition, ending child labor, etc.. were not part of the Clinton agenda, but he did do several things that were illiberal. Using the national monuments act liberally he took away a lot of public land from the people. He tried to do Hillary Care and failed. Language matters, and when Democrats no longer thought of themselves as liberal but rather progressive, you can see what would follow. A liberal is by nature hands off and government exists primarily to ensure rights. A progressive sees a better way and uses government to force a change in society.
God bless Ronald Reagan, but part of me wonders if his demonization of the word liberal and the subsequent adoption of the word progressive by Democrats hastened this terrible time we are in now.
God bless Ronald Reagan, but part of me wonders if his demonization of the word liberal and the subsequent adoption of the word progressive by Democrats hastened this terrible time we are in now.