Why would they be upset. I would think this is a good thing for them. The FBI doesn't need to interview Ford, although they may yet. The FBI is not trying to determine who is or is not lying. They already know what Ford's claims are. They are right there on tape to review all they want. Their job is not to prove she is lying. This is not a criminal case to them. Their job is to see if the claims can be substantiated by any corroborating evidence. I doubt they will interview Kavanaugh, although they might. They already know his position. He has denied everything. They may seek clarification of a point or two if they feel necessary, but they are not there to make a judgment or a recommendation. They are there to look for evidence that substantiates her claim or evidence that does not make it likely for Kavanaugh to have been her assailant. What they find will be reported to the Judiciary Committee to decide if her claims are meritorious enough to disqualify Kavanaugh.