Click here for IOS
Click here for Android
The first version of our the new app has been released on both Android through the Google Play Store and on iOS through the App Store on ITunes.
You MUST be a subscriber to to use the App on iOS. Apple wouldn't accept our app with our registration function built into the app so we are having to workaround that for a future release.
So to use iOS, you have to subscribe on the site before you download the app. I know that doesn't really apply to anyone reading this because you are all subscribers. But we needed to clear that up to be safe.
If you have any issues (you will have issues because this is the first release of a major new product for us) then feel free to post them here. I'll take any known bugs and pass them on to the engineers and developers. We'll continue putting out new releases, fixing bugs and adding features.
Click here for Android
The first version of our the new app has been released on both Android through the Google Play Store and on iOS through the App Store on ITunes.
You MUST be a subscriber to to use the App on iOS. Apple wouldn't accept our app with our registration function built into the app so we are having to workaround that for a future release.
So to use iOS, you have to subscribe on the site before you download the app. I know that doesn't really apply to anyone reading this because you are all subscribers. But we needed to clear that up to be safe.
If you have any issues (you will have issues because this is the first release of a major new product for us) then feel free to post them here. I'll take any known bugs and pass them on to the engineers and developers. We'll continue putting out new releases, fixing bugs and adding features.