Very curious how the same people that conclude Steven Avery has been wrongly convicted from watching a show on Netflix also conclude that Justice Kavenough is guilty of rape.
I don’t have a clue about either but I know one has a lot of evidence and the other has zilch.
“It’s a job application not a criminal trial”. Most employers I know use a CCH to determine whether perspective employees have committed such crimes as rape or murder. They would never use the word of someone that hasn’t brought the issue up in the last 30 years without risking lots of money in litigation.
I know we have already moved on to how we are colluding with the KSA since we haven’t nuked them over their confession to killing a reporter in turkey but I found this thought mind bottling.
I don’t have a clue about either but I know one has a lot of evidence and the other has zilch.
“It’s a job application not a criminal trial”. Most employers I know use a CCH to determine whether perspective employees have committed such crimes as rape or murder. They would never use the word of someone that hasn’t brought the issue up in the last 30 years without risking lots of money in litigation.
I know we have already moved on to how we are colluding with the KSA since we haven’t nuked them over their confession to killing a reporter in turkey but I found this thought mind bottling.