After watching quite a bit of drivel coming from the left lately I have formed the following conclusion. It is not politically correct, but it is nevertheless real.
1. Males from the left dish out a lot of stupid crap, but it is generally carefully thought out political propaganda based on a defined plan to position themselves and/or their party for political gain in some way. They may or may not believe what they say, but there is a definite method to their madness.
2. Females from the left just spit out a ton of stupid, poorly thought out crap intended to rub on the emotional, but not rational, nerve endings of their intended audience.
1. Males from the left dish out a lot of stupid crap, but it is generally carefully thought out political propaganda based on a defined plan to position themselves and/or their party for political gain in some way. They may or may not believe what they say, but there is a definite method to their madness.
2. Females from the left just spit out a ton of stupid, poorly thought out crap intended to rub on the emotional, but not rational, nerve endings of their intended audience.