They state it very plainly in the sentencing document they submitted the court today.
"As said at the beginning of the case, there is no evidence of Russian collusion."
"Indeed, it is fair to say that, but for the appointment of the Special Counsel and his Office's decision to pursue Mr. Manafort for a rarely prosecuted FARA violation, Mr. Manafort would not have been indicted in the District of Columbia."
Under Mueller, Manafort's foreign lobbying violations "went from what was historically an administrative inquiry and proceeding to a federal criminal case and the public vilification of the defendant," the defense team wrote.
"The Special Counsel's attempt to portray him as a lifelong and irredeemable felon is beyond the pale and grossly overstates the facts before this Court."
"As said at the beginning of the case, there is no evidence of Russian collusion."
"Indeed, it is fair to say that, but for the appointment of the Special Counsel and his Office's decision to pursue Mr. Manafort for a rarely prosecuted FARA violation, Mr. Manafort would not have been indicted in the District of Columbia."
Under Mueller, Manafort's foreign lobbying violations "went from what was historically an administrative inquiry and proceeding to a federal criminal case and the public vilification of the defendant," the defense team wrote.
"The Special Counsel's attempt to portray him as a lifelong and irredeemable felon is beyond the pale and grossly overstates the facts before this Court."