Medicaid-for-all is in effect catastrophic coverage. This is exactly and ideally what insurance is designed to protect against. The unexpected and expensive. The car crash, not the oil, lube and new wipers. While there will be shrieks of protest over what’s covered and what’s not. The solution is to follow the Oregon Medicaid model. “Rank health care condition and treatment pairs in order of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.” What is at the top of Oregon’s current prioritized list? Maternity and newborn care, substance abuse, sterilization and depression. At the bottom, conditions “with no or minimally effective treatment or no treatment necessary.”
The government should quickly and wholly exit the insurance business. No mandates. No essential benefits. No requirement for individuals to purchase insurance or for employers to provide it. Individuals should be allowed to purchase what they want and need via price competition and transparency. Let individuals choose how to spend their money. Like purchasing other types of insurance – auto, home, disability, life, and so forth.
Most of the masses will be contented with their “free” Medicaid. At the same time, others will choose to upgrade to a coverage based on what they deem personally important and affordable. No one will be left uncovered. Everyone will be offered a seat in the back of the plane. Want more legroom, a free beverage, or a meal, upgrade to economy plus or first class and pay the extra fare.
The government should quickly and wholly exit the insurance business. No mandates. No essential benefits. No requirement for individuals to purchase insurance or for employers to provide it. Individuals should be allowed to purchase what they want and need via price competition and transparency. Let individuals choose how to spend their money. Like purchasing other types of insurance – auto, home, disability, life, and so forth.
Most of the masses will be contented with their “free” Medicaid. At the same time, others will choose to upgrade to a coverage based on what they deem personally important and affordable. No one will be left uncovered. Everyone will be offered a seat in the back of the plane. Want more legroom, a free beverage, or a meal, upgrade to economy plus or first class and pay the extra fare.