Official Texas vs Garth Brooks Alma mater game thread

You know when Herman got here and in his early years he was adamant that Major called plays at Houston. I now believe him, and think Major probably should of gotten more credit
After that last drive, I ask you once again. When was the last time Caden Sterns made a play?
Ossai is the best player in a Texas uniform in a decade.

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You took the words right out of my mouth. He is always bragging on how good he thinks Ash is then turns around and says this.
I can’t think Ash is a good DC and think Tom Herman staying another year would be bad for the program? I’m confused as to how one relates to the other
When he run that ball back for a TD, he shouldn't have taunted the crowd, its bad Sportsmanship, and all them guys running down to the end zone and sliding crap don't look good, they should have been shakin hands with OSU players, when Tom was talking to him about the taunting he seem to not give a shit what Herman was saying...its good we won but, why look like a HS Team at the end...and a buncha fools..
When he run that ball back for a TD, he shouldn't have taunted the crowd, its bad Sportsmanship, and all them guys running down to the end zone and sliding crap don't look good, they should have been shakin hands with OSU players, when Tom was talking to him about the taunting he seem to not give a shit what Herman was saying...its good we won but, why look like a HS Team at the end...and a buncha fools..
Doesn’t surprise me it looked like he didn’t give a shit when Tom was talking to him. A coach who has taunted players and coaches can’t give lectures on taunting and be taken seriously.
Good thing we are busy showboating when we are still losing the damn game! That is just the epitome of the team under TH! Undisciplined BS!

No that was a bs call by the zebras. I know for a fact these zebras are from the Southland conference so that means they don't **** about big boy fb.
Overall, defense played great today. They made OSU one dimensional. As a part of that, they gave up plays (unacceptably) on passes. That is all on the db's and the scheme.

But, overall they did fantastic. Especially in the second half, the last minute and OT

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