Orangebloods' Careers

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I work for Halliburton Energy Services I have been in the oil and gas industry for 13 years. Its hard sometimes but I love the money.
Buyer/Processor for family owned retail business.

P4D, which hospital?
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1990 UT Graduate

Addiction Psychiatrist
Dartmouth Medical School

Too bad I live here in New Hampshire as after reading that "how much do people drink on game day" thread I could really drum up some serious business!
National editor for a major newspaper. Live in the DC area; long to get back to Austin.
UT undergrad majoring in economics and computer science...looking for an IT job in the spring.
Attorney with small west texas firm specializing in real estate, by day; latex condom tester for Trojan at night.
Aggie Family Planner: I perform sheep abortions at a free clinic in College Station.

Actually, I'm a Semiconductor Equipment Technician in Virginia.
Graduated last year and I'm a financial analyst for Intel in Chandler, Az.

Looking to move back to Dallas/Austin in the near future, but need to find a new job first.
Originally posted by Cooper'95:
Football, track, and powerlifting coach, and a History teacher. Its my first year and it is rough!!!

Cooper I am jealous of you. I teach history as well but am also a special ed teacher. With the all the paperwork I have to do I have no time to coach sports which I dearly love. I would love very much to coach those three sports you listed. Just stick with it the teaching will get easier. If you need some ideas you can email me at
UT1976 . I think we may have some old friends in common. email me at thanks
Director of Technology Strategy at a software company
Carbondale, Illinois
Steve Bates,

Whats up man. I would love to be there. I got a paid move to SHV about a year and a half ago. My wife and I are ready to be in Dallas. I thought I was going to get picked up at D10 when I tried last time, but then the freeze hit. My email is Email me and let me know what the chances are that I can get there this time. Ive been at a 6 and a 7 so hopefully that will help. You still the VP?


Originally posted by ryan1357:
Senior at Klein High School. Hopefully I'll be a Freshman at the University of Texas next year.

Energy Accountant who would trade place with ryan1357 in one heartbeat.
Originally posted by nmaguire:

Originally posted by ryan1357:
Senior at Klein High School. Hopefully I'll be a Freshman at the University of Texas next year.

Energy Accountant who would trade place with ryan1357 in one heartbeat.

Ain't that the truth.
Running a scrapyard I have an interest in while one of the two main owners is serving in Iraq. Then I return to my life as a portfolio manager.
Originally posted by tillerm:
Aggie Family Planner: I perform sheep abortions at a free clinic in College Station. /images/smilies/3dgrin.gif

Actually, I'm a Semiconductor Equipment Technician in Virginia.

Both? man, when do you find time to sleep? i know some sleep deprivation specialists
Commercial Vice President - Kellogg Brown & Root/Houston, Texas originally from Kilgore, Texas
Executive Director of a Christian Organization and theology prof at Liberty Univ.
Political guru for Commonwealth of Virginia

bklatch, MDHornfan, markaholic and aldelgreco:

Would appreciate your emailing me at

Hook 'Em
Originally posted by dmak124:

Originally posted by Texas8412:
IT Consultant and part-time exotic dancer talent scout.

We need a separate board for this! /images/smilies/3dgrin.gif

I couldn't agree more Texas8412. With the Orangebloods community as large as it is now, we should certainly have a place that we can all go for career related questions/advice and opportunities. As much as I hate to admit it, the aggsy do a nice job of networking amongst themselves.
Yes, they really do. Horns seem to be more independent and, dare I say, stubborn?
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