Consumption of beef correlates positively with death rates. Not as much as pork does, but significantly more than chicken or fish. Pork consumption is only slightly worse than beef consumption, for our health, and much worse than chicken, which is worse than fish. Eating shellfish and bottom-feeding fish is a different story.
It doesn't mean that I would turn down a steak, if offered to me, but I'm not going to go out of my way to eat one.
Sugar consumption is dangerous, too, but there's no way I could get myself to cut my sugar more than I have already. I guess if my doctor said I had diabetes, I'd have to. My goal is to avoid that.
Organic food varies in its healthfulness. Organic milk can be dangerous, e.g. But non-organic produce have lower levels of nutrients and even taste. If you don't believe that, taste-test tomatoes and bananas some time. Organic bananas are slightly more expensive, but far more delicious. Even their "strings" are tasty.
GMO is just a bad road. We're losing non-GMO alternatives thanks to Monsanto, etc.
And consider the impact on the environment of the pesticides & non-organic fertilizers, the GMOs, the loss of insect species, etc... You're kidding yourself if you think we've improved things for our descendants. I guess we're less likely to die of mosquito-born parasites or diseases. We've got the Internet & cell phones & GPS. And data on high school sophomores & juniors for recruiting junkies. Overall, though, we've screwed things for them.