OT: I stand corrected- I have not dated the craziest woman ever


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014

Ho Lee chit balls. You dudes got to read this. I've seen some crazy in my day--- I've even contributed to some crazy in women-- but I've never had a woman tell me she wanted to eat my kidneys like sushi and make chop sticks out of my hand bones. She also sent the dude 150,000 + text messages after just one date. She also snuck into his house and took a bath in his tub. Say what you want but this chick is ride or die. That's what I call devoted.

Ho Lee chit balls. You dudes got to read this. I've seen some crazy in my day--- I've even contributed to some crazy in women-- but I've never had a woman tell me she wanted to eat my kidneys like sushi and make chop sticks out of my hand bones. She also sent the dude 150,000 + text messages after just one date. She also snuck into his house and took a bath in his tub. Say what you want but this chick is ride or die. That's what I call devoted.

You haven't lived if you haven't dated crazy at some point....but seriously, one look at her would make any observant man run for the hills....she's got the BSCE's...."BatShit Crazy Eyes"...
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You haven't lived if you haven't dated crazy at some point....but seriously, one look at her would make any observant man run for the hills....she's got the BSCE's...."BatShit Crazy Eyes"...
I actually feel guilty now looking back at what I considered bat sh!t crazy in the past and I feel bad about calling some chick's that. Relatively speaking, they were nothing compared to this chick .
I am guessing the sex was great that night. Talk about a learning curve-I will bet that his next girlfriend and future wife will be a choir girl.

Ho Lee chit balls. You dudes got to read this. I've seen some crazy in my day--- I've even contributed to some crazy in women-- but I've never had a woman tell me she wanted to eat my kidneys like sushi and make chop sticks out of my hand bones. She also sent the dude 150,000 + text messages after just one date. She also snuck into his house and took a bath in his tub. Say what you want but this chick is ride or die. That's what I call devoted.

So Clob, get this . . . This crap happened in the Phoenix area. It made the local news here for a couple days.

A week or so before all this crap became public . . . It was one of those party holidays like Cinco or something similar. So my fiance and I went out to party a little.

So my fiance and I were sitting in this booth drinking and chatting while the band played and people danced. And there was this one 1 brunette out there dancing by herself, no big deal.

About an hour into all this, this brunette dances over to our booth . . . Points her finger straight at me and says:

'I know how you can make her worship you!' and then pointed at my finance. I replied that I really didnt want anyone to worship me. The brunette seemed confused by that response and danced back to the dance floor.

Yup, you guessed it . . . It was the same damn girl in your URL!

My fiance recognized her a week later when she was on the news as did the bartender at the place we were at . . . who had to throw her out for being a nutball later in the evening.

And yes . . . She is cray cray . . . Uneven eyes, far off look . . . into people worship . . . the whole package of nutz!
So Clob, get this . . . This crap happened in the Phoenix area. It made the local news here for a couple days.

A week or so before all this crap became public . . . It was one of those party holidays like Cinco or something similar. So my fiance and I went out to party a little.

So my fiance and I were sitting in this booth drinking and chatting while the band played and people danced. And there was this one 1 brunette out there dancing by herself, no big deal.

About an hour into all this, this brunette dances over to our booth . . . Points her finger straight at me and says:

'I know how you can make her worship you!' and then pointed at my finance. I replied that I really didnt want anyone to worship me. The brunette seemed confused by that response and danced back to the dance floor.

Yup, you guessed it . . . It was the same damn girl in your URL!

My fiance recognized her a week later when she was on the news as did the bartender at the place we were at . . . who had to throw her out for being a nutball later in the evening.

And yes . . . She is cray cray . . . Uneven eyes, far off look . . . into people worship . . . the whole package of nutz!

You just dodged Hannibal ****ing " Peggy Sue" Lector UT, lucky you and your gall didn't wind up in a locker at the Greyhound Bus Station sharing suitcase...Strange shit!

So Clob, get this . . . This crap happened in the Phoenix area. It made the local news here for a couple days.

A week or so before all this crap became public . . . It was one of those party holidays like Cinco or something similar. So my fiance and I went out to party a little.

So my fiance and I were sitting in this booth drinking and chatting while the band played and people danced. And there was this one 1 brunette out there dancing by herself, no big deal.

About an hour into all this, this brunette dances over to our booth . . . Points her finger straight at me and says:

'I know how you can make her worship you!' and then pointed at my finance. I replied that I really didnt want anyone to worship me. The brunette seemed confused by that response and danced back to the dance floor.

Yup, you guessed it . . . It was the same damn girl in your URL!

My fiance recognized her a week later when she was on the news as did the bartender at the place we were at . . . who had to throw her out for being a nutball later in the evening.

And yes . . . She is cray cray . . . Uneven eyes, far off look . . . into people worship . . . the whole package of nutz!
Fvcking ten points of street cred for you bro! Awesome story!
Non mug shot. @FlourBluffHorn, she may be even more than you can handle.


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I have a good friend who petty must only has sex with prostitutes. Dude is a vet from Afganistan war, good shape and could easily get any woman at any given bar.

I asked him why he would pay for something he could get free.

His words: Nothing is free especially women, but I don't pay these women to have sex with me. I pay them to leave after I have sex with them.

I never asked again
I have a good friend who petty must only has sex with prostitutes. Dude is a vet from Afganistan war, good shape and could easily get any woman at any given bar.

I asked him why he would pay for something he could get free.

His words: Nothing is free especially women, but I don't pay these women to have sex with me. I pay them to leave after I have sex with them.

I never asked again

Thats a good one Son!

Wow, I knew @clob94 hadnt seen crazy like I had, but this nutbag even rivals my craziest. I dated a chick from Houston back in the day for a couple months. All seemed perfectly normal, until one night after I picked her up and we were on our way back to Austin. Why she chose while in the middle of nowhere to tell me this, I dunno, Just part of being cray cray I guess. Anyway, she said she wanted to sacrifice a cat while riding me, and get off to me being covered in its blood. Last I saw that bitch she was walking in a convenience store in Giddings to get me a pack of smokes.
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Wow, I knew @clob94 hadnt seen crazy like I had, but this nutbag even rivals my craziest. I dated a chick from Houston back in the day for a couple months. All seemed perfectly normal, until one night after I picked her up and we were on our way back to Austin. Why she chose while in the middle of nowhere to tell me this, I dunno, I guess just part of being cray cray I guess. Anyway, she said she wanted to sacrifice a cat while riding me, and get off to me being covered in its blood. Last I saw that bitch she was waking in a convenience store in Giddings to get me a pack of smokes.
You dropped that chick in Giddings and bounced? That is savage.

I've had the "hold a knife to my throat chick while we do it" but I politely declined.

But sacrificing a cat? Yo that's just unsanitary.

So um--- you still got her phone number? Asking for a friend......
You dropped that chick in Giddings and bounced? That is savage.

I've had the "hold a knife to my throat chick while we do it" but I politely declined.

But sacrificing a cat? Yo that's just unsanitary.

Wouldn't you? That ride was over. There was no point in letting any further conversation happen. She had to go the quickest way possible.