There has to be someone here with knowledge in this area, and I'd appreciate any advice.
My situation: have a well that was drilled like 15 years ago, I think the pump is also that old. It was drilled at a time when the area was much more rural, and hence, is a more shallow well than someone would put in if they were building new out here. In my area (Spicewood, Briarcliff, Rough Hollow, etc.), there has been a lot of development with new people moving in and new "straws" in the aquifer. Since I've been here, there has been a sharp decline in our well's production. We, like almost everyone else in this area, are set up with a 2500 gallon storage tank that the well fills, and we use the water from the tank for household stuff. This way, lower-producing wells can have a way to generate a store of water during non-peak water use times for use later.
But, for the last two years (and for some reason it's always been around my birthday in early October -- happy birthday to me) I really notice the well struggling and have had to supplement the tank with bulk water delivery to keep up. Right now, it pumps in water every 8-10 minutes for about 10 seconds before the pump saver cuts it off. That is a puny amount of water. I had the well service come out today and they advised me that lowering the pump could really help with quantity of water captured in the tank per pump cycle. My issue is, it's expensive ($1K of labor to pull it all up then get it lower down) and the pump is sitting at 340 feet under while the well is only 365 feet deep. They're saying that lowering it 15-20 feet and adding a "sleeve" to the pump to prevent sediment coming up, since the new level of the pump would be close to the bottom of the well, should solve my issues.
Does this sound like something that would solve my issues from you guys that have lived with and had experience servicing wells? If so, I'll just pay them to do it.
My situation: have a well that was drilled like 15 years ago, I think the pump is also that old. It was drilled at a time when the area was much more rural, and hence, is a more shallow well than someone would put in if they were building new out here. In my area (Spicewood, Briarcliff, Rough Hollow, etc.), there has been a lot of development with new people moving in and new "straws" in the aquifer. Since I've been here, there has been a sharp decline in our well's production. We, like almost everyone else in this area, are set up with a 2500 gallon storage tank that the well fills, and we use the water from the tank for household stuff. This way, lower-producing wells can have a way to generate a store of water during non-peak water use times for use later.
But, for the last two years (and for some reason it's always been around my birthday in early October -- happy birthday to me) I really notice the well struggling and have had to supplement the tank with bulk water delivery to keep up. Right now, it pumps in water every 8-10 minutes for about 10 seconds before the pump saver cuts it off. That is a puny amount of water. I had the well service come out today and they advised me that lowering the pump could really help with quantity of water captured in the tank per pump cycle. My issue is, it's expensive ($1K of labor to pull it all up then get it lower down) and the pump is sitting at 340 feet under while the well is only 365 feet deep. They're saying that lowering it 15-20 feet and adding a "sleeve" to the pump to prevent sediment coming up, since the new level of the pump would be close to the bottom of the well, should solve my issues.
Does this sound like something that would solve my issues from you guys that have lived with and had experience servicing wells? If so, I'll just pay them to do it.