OT: When pigs fly. no seriously, they let them now


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
Just flew back from PHX to have a sit down with some bidness partners and because I can't afford to always fly private, like belldozer can, I had to fly SWA. I have a "lucky seat" on SWA...... so I always wait at the back of the line. I fly back row, aisle seat on the left. ALWAYS. If someone is in said seat I will politely inform them that this is my lucky seat, and I've flown literally a thousand times and have yet the to crash. Usually they bounce right out of the seat but if they hesitate, I get this serious look and say "you don't want to jinx that do you?". They move after that.

Anyway, I'm in line at the airport and I notice something: there's 100 people getting on this plane and it looks like prior to coming to the airport, they raided a petsmart and stole all the animals------ including a fvcking potbelly pig.

This lady literally had a fvcking potbelly pig in her arms.

What the fvck is going on with people flying with their pets? I've been on hundreds of international flights and there were no pets. Why are there pets on domestic flights?
wait Clob.....since there was no movie, maybe they were going to have a rodeo....
Just flew back from PHX to have a sit down with some bidness partners and because I can't afford to always fly private, like belldozer can, I had to fly SWA. I have a "lucky seat" on SWA...... so I always wait at the back of the line. I fly back row, aisle seat on the left. ALWAYS. If someone is in said seat I will politely inform them that this is my lucky seat, and I've flown literally a thousand times and have yet the to crash. Usually they bounce right out of the seat but if they hesitate, I get this serious look and say "you don't want to jinx that do you?". They move after that.

Anyway, I'm in line at the airport and I notice something: there's 100 people getting on this plane and it looks like prior to coming to the airport, they raided a petsmart and stole all the animals------ including a fvcking potbelly pig.

This lady literally had a fvcking potbelly pig in her arms.

What the fvck is going on with people flying with their pets? I've been on hundreds of international flights and there were no pets. Why are there pets on domestic flights?
Have you considered a career in televangelism? Some of them don’t appear to have the same poor people problems that most of us do. Case in point:
I’m a Christian guy and have no problem with these a pastor drawing a good salary but the thing that gets me is these guys get their congregation to buy these jets to “promote the gospel” etc but when these guy fly in this jet to go share the gospel at another church or whatever, they’re charging huge appearance fees that are going directly into their own pocket, that’s bs. I wonder if anyone from the congregation will get to enjoy the jet since they paid for it.

I may be in the minority here but I believe that churches should be open to the same IRS scrutiny that any other business is. I’ve seen improprieties in my church imo.
Maybe it's her lucky pig? Clearly, neither of them have been killed in a plane crash either