Prayer needed


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jan 21, 2015
Don't normally ask for this kind of thing but my wife and I just had a baby 2 days old and he is having seizures. We just need everyones prsyers right now please.

I am bumping this thread because today this little longhorn turns three years old. It was a scary first few months with the seizures but since then he has been a happy and healthy boy with no seizures. Thank you all.
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Lifting up your son in prayer, along with you & your wife. GODspeed healing power for your son.
Don't normally ask for this kind of thing but my wife and I just had a baby 2 days old and he is having seizures. We just need everyones prsyers right now please.
Prayers. I have been right in your shoes. My daughter started having seizures 12 hours before we were supposed to go home from the Hospital. I know exactly how scary it is and how helpless you feel right now. Trust your doctors, support your wife, and feel free to vent here if needed. There is probably someone on this board who has been through whatever your journey turns into.
Wow! What a shock that we be! Prayers brother. Keep us updated please.
On the way...
Prayer for health and peace for the three of you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Don't normally ask for this kind of thing but my wife and I just had a baby 2 days old and he is having seizures. We just need everyones prsyers right now please.
Prayers sent, Godspeed that this is a temporary situation !
Don't normally ask for this kind of thing but my wife and I just had a baby 2 days old and he is having seizures. We just need everyones prsyers right now please.

May God Bless you guys and watch over your little one. Hang in there.