Presidential Debate

Just heard that. I’ve had a bunch of colds. It’s never caused me to shut down in mid sentence.
He is one GOOFY bastard. He makes aggy look good.
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Ok, so Joe Biden went to Normandy and spoke to dead World War 1 soldiers at a World War 2 cemetery. Not bad . . . had not prepared for a presidential seance tonight. . . but perhaps he can get a side gig with Theresa Capito, the Long Island Medium,
I think this was all part of the dems plan. Push him out there without his booger sugar treatment and let him flop prior to the dnc.

It makes perfect sense. Now they can replace him without any push back.
Yep, he looked old, really old. I told my wife if that is the best they can make him look knowing he was going to be on TV imagine what he looks like on a normal day. They all must see it every day and there is no way they can honestly think he is fit to be President for another 4 years.
Yep, he looked old, really old. I told my wife if that is the best they can make him look knowing he was going to be on TV imagine what he looks like on a normal day. They all must see it every day and there is no way they can honestly think he is fit to be President for another 4 years.
Fresh broke the code.... The debate went just as the DNC orchestrated it. They had to create a public scare to cause public outcry for Biden to step is the only way for him to be replaced. Contrary to what you hear, it is totally up to Biden to release the delegates. If he doesn't release them, he is the nominee...
Fresh broke the code.... The debate went just as the DNC orchestrated it. They had to create a public scare to cause public outcry for Biden to step is the only way for him to be replaced. Contrary to what you hear, it is totally up to Biden to release the delegates. If he doesn't release them, he is the nominee...
And I hope he stays as such. I don't want them to march out some celebrity with a cult following like Oprah or Mark Cuban.
And I hope he stays as such. I don't want them to march out some celebrity with a cult following like Oprah or Mark Cuban.
Interesting aside to friday-

The Chevron doctrine was overturned by the Supreme Court on Friday.

I'm not sure how massively humongous people realize this is is....or isn't. It basically start yanking the first leg out from under the swamp in DC. It's a death blow to bureaucracy in many forms.

Cliffs notes-

Agencies can no longer just make sh!t up and enforce it when ambiguous laws are written. If forces the agency to adhere to the law, instead of THEIR interpretation of the law. This leads to FAR less government over reach. It will have an impact on the energy industry, the environmental freaks at the EPA, the ATF, the IRS, etc-- and it will force congress to pass CLEARY WRITTEN LAWS with no wiggle room. No longer can the ATF say "well, we don't like those short barrel rifles with forearm grips so we are going to make you register them, or declare you a criminal." Nope. Can't do that.
Who's really pissed about this? The Environmental Protection Agency. Their overreach has become legendary-- but no more. Who about to be REALLY pissed about this? The IRS. This opens the door for TONS of different ways to manipulate vaguely written tax laws amd there's not a damn thing the IRS can do about it.
Interesting aside to friday-

The Chevron doctrine was overturned by the Supreme Court on Friday.

I'm not sure how massively humongous people realize this is is....or isn't. It basically start yanking the first leg out from under the swamp in DC. It's a death blow to bureaucracy in many forms.

Cliffs notes-

Agencies can no longer just make sh!t up and enforce it when ambiguous laws are written. If forces the agency to adhere to the law, instead of THEIR interpretation of the law. This leads to FAR less government over reach. It will have an impact on the energy industry, the environmental freaks at the EPA, the ATF, the IRS, etc-- and it will force congress to pass CLEARY WRITTEN LAWS with no wiggle room. No longer can the ATF say "well, we don't like those short barrel rifles with forearm grips so we are going to make you register them, or declare you a criminal." Nope. Can't do that.
Who's really pissed about this? The Environmental Protection Agency. Their overreach has become legendary-- but no more. Who about to be REALLY pissed about this? The IRS. This opens the door for TONS of different ways to manipulate vaguely written tax laws amd there's not a damn thing the IRS can do about it.
I like this but we need to fix the root of 99% of the problems. Nothing changes if the DOJ refuses to enforce laws. Better yet, refuses to enforce them equally. Unbiased blind eye my ass.