You gotta believe this shit! 200 mil for Mahones.. I was drinking a couple of Beers fishing with my neighbor and you just 2 guys talking about the games last Sunday, we mage up our mind that the NFL is nothing more than the WWF, look at that, the NFL wanted the Pats in the SB cause they draw big money and just maybe they wanted the Rams cause they building a new stadium in LA and haven't got the fan base that they could have, so put them in the SB, what better exposure than that to get the whole thing started? I really don't know how they can pay a player all this big money (opened another beer) maybe some of this shit is pre determine by the NFL, I mean the Presidency of the US is already done that way and no one can be a President that doesn't have millions of dollars. if ya can control the President race than why not a NFL game? (opened another beer) The Zebras are the tools to make sure that who the top guys get who they want to win from a money aspect, like the NFL is nothing more than a form of Organized Crime( peeing over the side of the boat) so you think somethings funny about all this shit? Same team in the SB every year?