question for the residet aggys

It wasn't very long ago aggy were trashing Fisher about being overrated and not doing anything without Winston. Kinda like everyone was trashing Sumlin for not doing anything after Johnny football. Matter of fact one aggy fanboy was talking trash about FSU losing to NC State at home.....ive seen Sumlin lose to lesser teams in Collieville. It almost feels like aggy made a pretty even swap for Sumlin with Fisher....but only time will tell.
Just when I thought enough time had passed so we could almost have a civil convo with crazy little bro......yet again he jumps out of the closet naked, covered in peanut butter, & calling the family dog.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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Just when I thought enough time had passed so we could almost have a civil convo with crazy little bro......yet again he jumps out of the closet naked, covered in peanut butter, & calling the family dog.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

You are now little bro. You just don’t realize it. It’s so sweet for us that you don’t
You are now little bro. You just don’t realize it. It’s so sweet for us that you don’t

You're an idiot. What, are you 12 years old? :rolleyes: Rushing over here to register to talk sh*t like your mediocre team has done something? Have some perspective. You cultists always get the cart before the horse and get embarrassed every time.
As an aggy (and I have several aggy friends) I would like to think that most of you are smart enough not to bump your gums about a possible future outcome until after you've crossed the finish line. I could literally spend hours go through reference after reference of aggys premature smack talking, only to see the harsh reality set in and then the cards come crashing down.

Let's start with example 1: aggy was drubbing ucla. Aggys took to twitter claiming they were a force to be feared. A team on the rise. Sec contenders. And then "boom", your world crashed in. A worse collapse than the choke job done by atlanta in the superbowl.
Example 2: Kyler murray...... care to discuss how that epic bomb turned out for you?
Example 3: johnny manziel was championed by aggys as the next great NFL qb. You guys were going to pull ALL the top recruits with JFF in the NFL wining rings and plugging the aggys.
Example 4: pretty much every season that aggy starts out 6-0 and then craters.
I can literally do this all weekend long.
Example 5: thinking you'd be a contender year in and year out in the sec. You're at the middle of the pack. Consistently. Just like you were in the big 12 and swc before that.

So, word to the wise---- be thankful you got jimbo. Keep your mouth shut, or at least have the balls to come over here after 4 or 5 years when you're still middle of the pack, and own your statements.

However, a smart person wouldn't run his mouth at all. But then again, you're an aggy so.............

Good words, but the same thing could be said about the Notre Dame game last year when all the Longhorns I know were proclaiming Texas was back and we know how that turned out. Not the first time that has happened.
Heck I was just starting to have some fun with that guy
It's been a while since we had a few trolls stir up the hornets nest. To everyones credit, the trash talk stayed on topic and didn't involve "yo momma!"
Maybe we make one thread called WHY YOUR SCHOOL SUCKS, and let the turds live there. Ha!
Good words, but the same thing could be said about the Notre Dame game last year when all the Longhorns I know were proclaiming Texas was back and we know how that turned out. Not the first time that has happened.
Perhaps sir, you didn't come onto this board, a board in the know, after the ND game last year.

Please don't be fooled--- I know where your rhetorical reference comes from. After Texas scored late to beat Notre Dame, the announcer in the game loudly proclaimed "And the Texas Longhorns are back!" He wildly screamed.

Now, as an aggy, y ou latched onto this statement and paid close attention to all your longhorns friends the following week. I' sure your longhorn friends were happy that week. Who wouldn't be happy about beating another blue blood-- the original blue blood, at that. And every time your longhorn friend brought up that game the preceding week, all you could hear in your mind was "And the Texas Longhorns are back!".
This associated transference that happened in your brain, and in the brains of all other aggys, led you to believe it was the Texas fans saying this, not the announcer. It warped your perception.

Now, had you come onto this board, where we keep it real, you'd have seen this reaction:

"Cool. We beat the Irish. But let's see how they do next week before we all go back slapping the sh!t out of each other."

Unfortunately, you didn't come here. Thus, you maintained your warped perception of our victory over the original blue bloods.

Does this clear it up for you aggy?
So, I've watched TCU and the Trill QB basically steam roll everyone on their way to an undefeated season and a chance at a playoff birth.

I know Trill used to play for aggy----- is it frustrating to see Trill surrounded by far less talent than he had at his disposal at atm, play so well and be in playoff contention?
Where the hell did you learn to spell? Oh, t-sip u. NM.
So I got banned because I hurt your feelings. You guys are so weak. “Ban this guy Mod”. Such pansies. I didn’t insult anyone. In fact I was the one insulted, called an idiot and told to STFU. Could care less, but shows how thin skinned you losers are. You are doormats of a dog conference. A bunch of frontunners that can’t front run anymore than Tiger Woods can. And Clob is the worst. He gets his satisfaction from a bunch people of old dudes on his jock, despite Clob being an average Joe at best. You guys suck and will suck for a long time. Deal with it.
Really? Class of ‘88... we never had a problem with you. 4-0.
Greg hill, jason atkinson, Lance teicklman, and the rest of the team that had summer jobs working in dallas on section 8 housing and being paid by an aggy donor with Federal HUD money (totally traceable) while simultaneously being enrolled in summer school in college station, say hello.
@Texasblowshard2 can come on down to New Braunfels any day he wants and meet Joe Clob at any parking lot of your choosing, whenever you feel froggy.
Greg hill, jason atkinson, Lance teicklman, and the rest of the team that had summer jobs working in dallas on section 8 housing and being paid by an aggy donor with Federal HUD money (totally traceable) while simultaneously being enrolled in summer school in college station, say hello.

Clob. Go away with that. That’s all you got? Give me a break. Texas skated during the SwC probe when we got busted. If you think for a minute you guys were clean then you are much dumber than I thought. Let me rephrase that. A little dumber than I thought
@Texasblowshard2 can come on down to New Braunfels any day he wants and meet Joe Clob at any parking lot of your choosing, whenever you feel froggy.

Yea. I’m 45 and retired from schoolyard brawls bro. But good comeback. I’m just being honest. You guys can’t handle any criticism. You ban folks for being honest. I responded to insult posts (some passive aggressive) some aggressive. But your moderator is a puzz
It's cool. I'm 42. And I wouldn't want to throw hands with me either. But I promise not to break your hip.
And to address your accusations about this board not handling criticism well, allow me to retort:

A guy that did not go to Texas, and more than likely didn't go to atm either, decides one day that he is in need of attention- any attention- negative or otherwise, so he gets on a board where he knows if he's even slightly smarmy or passive aggressive, he can get a response from someone, anyone, to provide him the attention and or validation he desires.
Could this be because he's lonely? Did his wife leave him? Do his kids find him annoying? Do his coworkers shun him because he's a tool? Do women ignore him? Or does it go back further than that?
Was he bullied as a child and seeks to anonymously bully others while using the Internet as his shield? Did he have some sort of speech impediment that he was ridiculed for? Did mommy or daddy abandon him at an early age? Was he not breast fed enough? Is it a combination of things that would make someone so desperate for any form of human interaction to repeatedly join a website, over and over again, just so that someone, anyone, will pay attention to his cries for attention? Or is this something deeper? Is it a cry for help?

So let me ask you--- how old were you when you were abused? You do know that you were a child and it's not your fault. Daddy didn't drink because of you. He drank because his life felt as though it had no meaning. Mommy didn't leave daddy because she didn't love you. She left because she didn't love herself.
Please understand that we are collectively hear to help you. We want what's best for you. So the next time you decide to post on this forum, think about this first:

"Even though aggy and Texas are not true "rivals" I would enjoy talking to some Texas folks today and offering equal amounts of interesting topics for discussion AND playful banter and teasing. I don't need to scratch that itch for negative attention because I'm not 12 anymore and I don't need daddy to hit me to get the attention I seek."

Think like that before your next post and I assure you, you'll get a more positive response.


"Joe" Clob
And to address your accusations about this board not handling criticism well, allow me to retort:

A guy that did not go to Texas, and more than likely didn't go to atm either, decides one day that he is in need of attention- any attention- negative or otherwise, so he gets on a board where he knows if he's even slightly smarmy or passive aggressive, he can get a response from someone, anyone, to provide him the attention and or validation he desires.
Could this be because he's lonely? Did his wife leave him? Do his kids find him annoying? Do his coworkers shun him because he's a tool? Do women ignore him? Or does it go back further than that?
Was he bullied as a child and seeks to anonymously bully others while using the Internet as his shield? Did he have some sort of speech impediment that he was ridiculed for? Did mommy or daddy abandon him at an early age? Was he not breast fed enough? Is it a combination of things that would make someone so desperate for any form of human interaction to repeatedly join a website, over and over again, just so that someone, anyone, will pay attention to his cries for attention? Or is this something deeper? Is it a cry for help?

So let me ask you--- how old were you when you were abused? You do know that you were a child and it's not your fault. Daddy didn't drink because of you. He drank because his life felt as though it had no meaning. Mommy didn't leave daddy because she didn't love you. She left because she didn't love herself.
Please understand that we are collectively hear to help you. We want what's best for you. So the next time you decide to post on this forum, think about this first:

"Even though aggy and Texas are not true "rivals" I would enjoy talking to some Texas folks today and offering equal amounts of interesting topics for discussion AND playful banter and teasing. I don't need to scratch that itch for negative attention because I'm not 12 anymore and I don't need daddy to hit me to get the attention I seek."

Think like that before your next post and I assure you, you'll get a more positive response.


"Joe" Clob
Too long to read the whole post. But did read the first couple lines. Graduated from A&M in 1995. And my stance remains. I responded to a passive aggressive post from you and some of your friends couldn’t handle criticism. That is factual. Not you, but others and the Mod. It’s weak.
Yea. I’m 45 and retired from schoolyard brawls bro. But good comeback. I’m just being honest. You guys can’t handle any criticism. You ban folks for being honest. I responded to insult posts (some passive aggressive) some aggressive. But your moderator is a puzz

Wrong gomer. I ban people like you who come here and register a username for the sole purpose but to just talk trash. You've added exactly zero in any kind of constructive, respectful conversation here. There are several reasonable, respectful aggie posters on here and they're welcome to post their opinions. Why? Because they don't act like a 12-year old like you have. You deservedly got banned, and you're banned again. Now you deal with that!

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@LonghornMM I was trying to help him break down the deficiencies in his life in order to help him recover from the psychological downward spiral that obviously impedes his ability to have "normal" satirical banter with other functioning individuals.

It's not his fault that he was ignored/abused/bullied/molested/forsaken/shunned or any combination of the aforementioned circumstances. It's a case of BAS. Battered aggy syndrome is real, MM. And it's our duty to help our cousins to recover from this ptsd like affliction. I just can't imagine what it's like to live my life with the looming dark cloud of inferiority hanging over me.
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@LonghornMM I was trying to help him break down the deficiencies in his life in order to help him recover from the psychological downward spiral that obviously impedes his ability to have "normal" satirical banter with other functioning individuals.

It's not his fault that he was ignored/abused/bullied/molested/forsaken/shunned or any combination of the aforementioned circumstances. It's a case of BAS. Battered aggy syndrome is real, MM. And it's our duty to help our cousins to recover from this ptsd like affliction. I just can't imagine what it's like to live my life with the looming dark cloud of inferiority hanging over me.
