Red Commander

Red Commander can't talk, he is too busy crying.

You know what would be must watch TV. Antifa idiots coping with prison life. I'd binge watch the hell out of that.

Black Prisoner - BEND OVER!
Antifa - Wait, I fought for black Lives
Black Prisoner - why you think you're my b1tch? NOW BEND OVER, I AIN'T GOING TO ASK AGAIN!
Red Commander can't talk, he is too busy crying.

You know what would be must watch TV. Antifa idiots coping with prison life. I'd binge watch the hell out of that.

Black Prisoner - BEND OVER!
Antifa - Wait, I fought for black Lives
Black Prisoner - why you think you're my b1tch? NOW BEND OVER, I AIN'T GOING TO ASK AGAIN![/QUOT

When I was younger, I almost got in a bar fight to a kid that looked just like him, the kid was some douche from SMU who started hitting on my wife. He started talking shit I called him on it and him and his buddies thought they could challenge me, they didn't know I wasn't there alone and when my friends joined me he quickly backed off but I didn't and he got real scared. In the end him and his friends left the bar and as they were leaving he shot me the bird and then he sped off. I laughed my ass off, but then I realized later I should have delivered an ass beating to teach him a lesson that his BS is not tolerated among civil people.

Sometimes the greatest service you can offer a person is to beat the crap out of them. It can help change actions in the future.
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There's nothing more toxic or dangerous to a society and its future than misdirected youth.
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Is this the change you are looking for?


Yes, attacking people as they are having dinner, that is the change we want.