Here's a story out of SoCal about a girl who was misidentified in the school year book. Instead of being labeled with her actual name (Bayan Zehlif), she was misidentified as Isis Phillips. Zehlif is shown in the photo wearing a hijab, and ISIS (acronym, not name) is, as we know, a radical Muslim group.
The kicker here is that there actually is a student at the school named Isis Phillips. But instead of assuming that an actual student's name was simply used with the wrong photograph, we leap directly to outrage that a visibly Muslim student is linked to a terrorist group.
Common sense and benefit of the doubt are dead in this country.
The kicker here is that there actually is a student at the school named Isis Phillips. But instead of assuming that an actual student's name was simply used with the wrong photograph, we leap directly to outrage that a visibly Muslim student is linked to a terrorist group.
Common sense and benefit of the doubt are dead in this country.