Ruh roh --Joe Mixon asked about punching girl in face shows no remorse.

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If that was my daughter, Mixon would need to watch his back forever. I will protect and defend my family with the same intensity that I protect (support) & defend the Constitution of the United States.
I kid you not if it was my daughter and I seen her get knocked out on video...I would be in jail without a doubt. I do have a daughter by the way. It takes MORE of a man to walk away than to punch a woman. I also will say I wonder what Mixon would have done if it was a UFC fighter pushing him that night and saying the same things?? I bet his punk ass would not have hit him!!!
I wonder if Mixon where to have punched Stoops daughter in the face if he'd still be on the team? Me thinks not! Anyone sticking up for this POS is a POS themselves. Makes me wonder if any of you had a mother or daughter. If this POS hit one them you'd probably just sit back and drink your busch light. Makes me sick! F&CK Mixon as a person I could careless if he played for OU or not no matter who he plays for he's till a POS.
I wonder if Mixon where to have punched Stoops daughter in the face if he'd still be on the team? Me thinks not! Anyone sticking up for this POS is a POS themselves. Makes me wonder if any of you had a mother or daughter. If this POS hit one them you'd probably just sit back and drink your busch light. Makes me sick! F&CK Mixon as a person I could careless if he played for OU or not no matter who he plays for he's till a POS.
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