Sources who's opinions I respect brought up the idea of keeping the defensive staff intact and keeping Stan Drayton as rb coach. Giles has been at TX for awhile and these guys liked Vilai. But the guy they were really high on was our lb coach Coleman Hutzler. They feel he checks all the boxes you want in a coach and they he did great last year. They don't think much of Mark Hagen who's an associate coach or whatever that means. And of course they want to keep CA. I doubt it will happen, actually I'm certain it won't but it's a great idea.
The rbs love Stan Drayton and new has done a great job. On the offense a decision has to be made on Herb Hand as well as Coleman, and Boulware. But that's only 4 coaches and the other 6 would be his guys so he'd have the majority. I'll finish saying I'm just a fan but at least I can admit it.