What would help kids..........?
Senior year of HS is canceled. When school starts on Sept 1, you will have already enrolled in a "global ambassador" program. You have your choice of destinations. You'll go to Africa or any under developed country on the list and dig water wells, build schools and hospitals teach kids how to read, build irrigation lines for farmers, etc etc. September 1 you will report to your training facility where you'll show up every day for 8 hours and learn your trade. If you're drilling water wells, you'll learn how at home first under supervision. You'll intern under carpenters, welders, mechanics, whatever your trade craft will be-- and after 3 months, your ass is put on a plane with others doing the same thing you choose, and you'll be escorted by a Platoon of marines that will provide security detail for you--- assuming it is needed.
You'll spend the next 6 months building schools, administering vaccine shots, feeding sick babies, helping farmers grow better crops, sleeping it huts, tents, cottages-- you may not have running water or even electricity at times.
But you'll be spreading American good will around the globe, helping your fellow man, and you'll learn how truly fvcking good you have it in this country-- you'll gain perspective as an individual. You'll learn more in those 6 months in Sudan, or Myanmar, or Qatar than you ever will sitting in a classroom.
After your 6 months are up, you get your HS diploma, a free ride home, and you'll be armed with a trade craft and life experience.
This is how you solve education problems.