Best case scenario, he's back for OU. Worst case, a couple weeks after OU. Both sound too soon to me.
I'm hoping he doesn't rush it. After the surgery in high school, he returned to action too soon, and it nagged him his whole senior year. Obviously it never fully healed now that he's had to go through a second surgery.
Now, obviously at Cuero he didn't have access to the level of surgeon he does at Texas, but is it that much better? I'm worried. Somebody with insight into this type of surgery, please, feel free to ease my mind.
I'm hoping he doesn't rush it. After the surgery in high school, he returned to action too soon, and it nagged him his whole senior year. Obviously it never fully healed now that he's had to go through a second surgery.
Now, obviously at Cuero he didn't have access to the level of surgeon he does at Texas, but is it that much better? I'm worried. Somebody with insight into this type of surgery, please, feel free to ease my mind.