Stuck in Liverpool England


Aug 4, 2016
anyone have any connections here in Liverpool to watch the W Va game....London is too far for my current situation.
Can’t you get the live stream on First Row Spots or one of the other streaming sites?
If ya got Spectrum at home then login to your acct and you can watch live from your computer, if ya live in England then maybe Sky cable might, if not then get drunk in, MAYBE espn ON YOUR CELL PHONE?

There used to be an ex-pat pub in Liverpool that showed American football. I will Google and see if I can find it.

Are we talking about the same Liverpool? Northwest England Liverpool?

I went to the grand national race one year and I couldn't understand one fvckin word the scoucers were saying. Not one.

Well considering Ive been to Newcastle 4 times, those scousers are easy to understand lol. I was there just last month.

Are we talking about the same Liverpool? Northwest England Liverpool?

I went to the grand national race one year and I couldn't understand one fvckin word the scoucers were saying. Not one.

x2. I've never understood why anyone finds British accents appealing. It ranks up there with nasaly yankee or Baahhston accents. o_O
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x2. I've never understood why anyone finds British accents appealing. It ranks up there with nasaly yankee or Baahhston accents. o_O

Depends on which British accent. Some sound awful, but there’s more diversity between the different British accents than there is between the different American accents, believe it or not. Brits can’t understand many of their own countrymen from other parts of the island either.
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Jordies have the best accent.

They sound like Ewan McGregor.

Very easy to understand.
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Thanks fellas.....I owe you. You have an “open invitation” to my tailgate—-Jalapeno Hotshots Tailgate at the corner of 17th and’s 9:05am in Liverpool AND....ou STILL sux!!!’
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Thanks fellas.....I owe you. You have an “open invitation” to my tailgate—-Jalapeno Hotshots Tailgate at the corner of 17th and’s 9:05am in Liverpool AND....ou STILL sux!!!’

You mean they have a 17th and Colorado in Liverpool////lol
Went there yesterday. My 31 year old son can not understand the big deal about the Beatles.

Different Generation, Different Times, and no knowledge how that started almost all the bands that came outa England to influence the world..England was a Mecca of Rock music as the US was the Mecca of Country Music
What happend to Rock N Roll? There is virtually no new music? The stuff created today is, well, horrible. It's like the electric guitar got retired.
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Went there yesterday. My 31 year old son can not understand the big deal about the Beatles.

Well he IS 31. Although that's not THAT young. That club is pretty nuts though. Besides being a cellar like 4 stories underground the history is just dripping out of it.
Went there yesterday. My 31 year old son can not understand the big deal about the Beatles.
Wait----- what?

I mean, I know that's a simple question but you just said that your kid didn't understand why the Beatles were a big deal and now I'm left with the simple response of ------ wait--- and what.
I'm in my 50s....The Beatles suck...I'm pretty sure they were fans of BlowU and Aggy. I was more of a Stones fan myself....
Enjoy the warm beer, no ice in your drinks, and constant condescension.