Its not like he is digging ditches- its just putting out a made up short story to keep us entertained till CTH proves ketch wrong on all his theroies about this fall.He's enjoying his vacation. From last week's Pulpit:
I am taking the very pregnant wife to Manhattan on vacation this week since this might be our last vacation without kids … forever? We are planning to see Hamilton on Friday and will mix in a few more fun things before a lifetime of family trips to Wally World.
Just one of those rare vacation days. However, I appreciate the concernDid the doula not let @Anwar Richardson write a Sunday Pulpit this week?
Thanks for noticing. Trying to get back to Austin before this baby comes.He's enjoying his vacation. From last week's Pulpit:
I am taking the very pregnant wife to Manhattan on vacation this week since this might be our last vacation without kids … forever? We are planning to see Hamilton on Friday and will mix in a few more fun things before a lifetime of family trips to Wally World.
Its not like he is digging ditches- its just putting out a made up short story to keep us entertained till CTH proves ketch wrong on all his theroies about this fall.