-Justice Louis Brandeis. Concerning the memo, libs are going to say there's an angle, conservatives are going to say it's an injustice. So be it. There's been a special fight brewing ever since, in my view, that Newt Gingrich hired a crew to follow around President Clinton. Justified or not, it created a severe air of bipartisanship. But we can actually trace the big problem to post WWII, all the way back to Korea, then LBJ, Vietnam, Watergate, then into Iraq, Syria, and every point in between. Lies, special interests, and basically non disclosure on every level for us Americans who are the ones financing this shit with money and lives. China, the Middle East, and every other stinking self interest that has a bank account and a lobbyist's phone number gets a place at the table. What about us? We are so divided and it's just what the haters want. They don't want us to get it right. Whether you agree with this memo or not, let's get in the ring and pour some light on this thing and get it worked out. Whether you love our president or not, at least he is beholden to no one, and he's throwing the windows wide open. Let's do this thing. Right now.