Texas & aggy Rivarly again....


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2014
Dallas, Texas
Did anyone else hear there is a law maker (Lyle Larson) trying to pass a bill that would put Texas and aggy against each other every Nov again and if the teams fail to play they would lose all football scholarships that use state money.
Of all the many kinds of politicians I hate, the ones that insist on sticking their noses in things like college f*cking football are damn close to being the ones I hate most.

Go f*ck yourself, Lyle Larson, whoever you are.

I remember Lyle Larson very well from when he was a city counselman in San Antonio. He represented the part of town where I lived. Back then I thought he was a f*****g moron and typical aggie. Apparently he hasn't changed.

A funny story about Lyle Larson and a family friend who played at UT. LL was bragging about how a&m was dominating TX. Apparently this was in 1994 because he wrote down 1994 then alongside that he wrote 2026. He said Lyle you have to win every game between 1994 to 2026 just to tie us. He said LL had a real stupid look and left a few minutes later. Classic
never happen....If he tried to get this going, aggy nation would rise up in alarm. They accidentally scheduled Clemson when they were not so good and could not stand replacing another non conference cup cake with a real team. If Larson wants to continue getting those aggy votes he had best drop this grandstanding idea pronto.
for that matter....what if the bill passed and aggy says, well...ok, but Texas says go to hell....we renounce state money for schollys anyway....aTm would be in a bind.
Did anyone else hear there is a law maker (Lyle Larson) trying to pass a bill that would put Texas and aggy against each other every Nov again and if the teams fail to play they would lose all football scholarships that use state money.

Darn it. I just posted a new thread about this with a link to the news article about it. I should have scrolled through the threads first.
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I don't think any of the athletic scholarships come from state funding. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the athletic department budget comprised of revenue from ticket sales, licensing deals, media contracts, and donations. Aren't we one of the few Division 1 institutions that has a self supporting athletic department?
I remember Lyle Larson very well from when he was a city counselman in San Antonio. He represented the part of town where I lived. Back then I thought he was a f*****g moron and typical aggie. Apparently he hasn't changed.
Redundant statement is redundant. Probably not smart enough to engage in actual state governance.
Of all the many kinds of politicians I hate, the ones that insist on sticking their noses in things like college f*cking football are damn close to being the ones I hate most.

Go f*ck yourself, Lyle Larson, whoever you are.
This is the consensus on our board as well. Neither fanbase wants least the hard core fanbases...
This is the consensus on our board as well. Neither fanbase wants least the hard core fanbases...

Good. Then let's make it permanent to where Texas and a&m never play again. Y'all quit the conference and the rivalry. a&m needs Texas for validation. Texas doesn't need a&m for anything. Never has. Never will. aggy is the $EC's to deal with now. No take backs. Good riddance. a&m is irrelevant.
Of all the many kinds of politicians I hate, the ones that insist on sticking their noses in things like college f*cking football are damn close to being the ones I hate most.

Go f*ck yourself, Lyle Larson, whoever you are.

And go fuc* yourself Leach too! and Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ also after, and then Mr, Rogers too and Frank Medina for tripping over the water bucket..and Uncle J!
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Good. Then let's make it permanent to where Texas and a&m never play again. Y'all quit the conference and the rivalry. a&m needs Texas for validation. Texas doesn't need a&m for anything. Never has. Never will. aggy is the $EC's to deal with now. No take backs. Good riddance. a&m is irrelevant.

Dilly! Dilly!

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Good. Then let's make it permanent to where Texas and a&m never play again. Y'all quit the conference and the rivalry. a&m needs Texas for validation. Texas doesn't need a&m for anything. Never has. Never will. aggy is the $EC's to deal with now. No take backs. Good riddance. a&m is irrelevant.
Interesting...reverse the names and that's the consensus on our board also. Our program and facilities have grown in ways that would not have been possible had we remained in the B12.

I went a couple of years thinking the rivalry was important. But now? More hate for our SEC opponents. I would not pull for LSU if they were playing Moscow University...but I'm pulling for you against OU. That alone speaks volumes.
Good. Then let's make it permanent to where Texas and a&m never play again. Y'all quit the conference and the rivalry. a&m needs Texas for validation. Texas doesn't need a&m for anything. Never has. Never will. aggy is the $EC's to deal with now. No take backs. Good riddance. a&m is irrelevant.
Flour Bluff Horn liked your post?
That tomorrow we could be eating Turkey and dressing with ham watching Texas play Texas A&M as was our tradition till someone ****ed it up!

Happy Thanksgiving Guys!

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Flour Bluff Horn liked your post?

It was a Tradition like the Cotton Bowl every year, but, different generations, different time, just like the Rice game at Austin, Rice band always special halftime, "The Mob", SMU game, but, always the game on Thanksgiving, the world used to stop, and when we played Arky, it was a good thing then never to be seen again, I wonder what that guys doing now that pulled his sword out at Tech doing now? A lot of tradition has left Texas and all the other uni's in some form or fashion, some being the roar of the crowd on the TV set when the mics was on field etc

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That cadet that pulled his sabre on the male cheerleader was at an SMU 1976 I believe (my freshman year). I was there, maybe '77.

That cheerleader fell to the ground into a "crab" position and used a kick maneuver and flipped that cadet head over heels. Amazing moment.
Interesting...reverse the names and that's the consensus on our board also. Our program and facilities have grown in ways that would not have been possible had we remained in the B12.

I went a couple of years thinking the rivalry was important. But now? More hate for our SEC opponents. I would not pull for LSU if they were playing Moscow University...but I'm pulling for you against OU. That alone speaks volumes.

calling absolute bull on this. they chant secsec every chance they get. loud and proud. maybe you personally don't but the VAST majority do. now go claim another bama title as your own.
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That cadet that pulled his sabre on the male cheerleader was at an SMU 1976 I believe (my freshman year). I was there, maybe '77.

That cheerleader fell to the ground into a "crab" position and used a kick maneuver and flipped that cadet head over heels. Amazing moment.

My Bad, good you to remind me! TY!

calling absolute bull on this. they chant secsec every chance they get. loud and proud. maybe you personally don't but the VAST majority do. now go claim another bama title as your own.
I don't care enough to lie to you, I was speaking about our board. Believe what you wish...and yes we chant SEC...don't understand what point you are making...

I do think we will play again, when the advertising TV revenue becomes too enticing to those making the decision. It will be anti-climatic...can't go back.
calling absolute bull on this. they chant secsec every chance they get. loud and proud. maybe you personally don't but the VAST majority do. now go claim another bama title as your own.

When the last time ya heard DKR rocking like this? Fans are everything!

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This is what you said, guy:

"Interesting...reverse the names and that's the consensus on our board also."

in response to this:

"Y'all quit the conference and the rivalry."
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Also, you've been camped out on the Longhorn board all day, aggy with a crush. If you don't like us? Then bitch you a fan.
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This is what you said, guy:

"Interesting...reverse the names and that's the consensus on our board also."

in response to this:

"Y'all quit the conference and the rivalry."
My bad, that's not the part of the post I was referencing.
a&m lied about leaving the Big 12 because of the LHN. Dodds approached Byrne and wanted to create the Lone Star Network, with a&m an equal partner with Texas. Byrne said, "no thanks. It will never work". Afterwards, Texas went out and did their own thing. a&m had their chance and declined, so for them to blame Texas and the LHN as the reason they quit the conference is hypocritical and wrong.

Also, it came out that a&m had been having discussions with the $EC prior to any network talk regarding Texas. Something that they deny, which is true. To leave the Big 12 to get out of Texas' shadow? I get that, but the other reasons/excuses that they make about quitting are not true.

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