1973 and 1998 represent the map on how you get rid of an elected leader.
The Senate resolution is really simple
1. Have a formal vote to start the process
2. Give the accused the opportunity to be present and represent themselves
3. Give the minority party an equal right to call witness to maintain a bipartisan approach.
How hard are these three asks? Unless you are trying to build a mountain out of a mole hill.
We know she will follow through with #1. The real question will be #2 and #3. If she feels she has a case and has a chance in the Senate then she will agree and its game on. If she doesn't grant #2 and 3 then WE know that SHE knows this is simply a hit job that will have no chance in the Senate.
If she doesn't want to play fair then there are 50 Senators ready to throw it out as soon as it hits the Senate. Someone get Pence a ride to make 51.
1973 and 1998 represent the map on how you get rid of an elected leader.
The Senate resolution is really simple
1. Have a formal vote to start the process
2. Give the accused the opportunity to be present and represent themselves
3. Give the minority party an equal right to call witness to maintain a bipartisan approach.
How hard are these three asks? Unless you are trying to build a mountain out of a mole hill.
We know she will follow through with #1. The real question will be #2 and #3. If she feels she has a case and has a chance in the Senate then she will agree and its game on. If she doesn't grant #2 and 3 then WE know that SHE knows this is simply a hit job that will have no chance in the Senate.
If she doesn't want to play fair then there are 50 Senators ready to throw it out as soon as it hits the Senate. Someone get Pence a ride to make 51.