The best time of the year for sports


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
The World Series is starting tomorrow Dodgers vs Red Sox.

The NBA season started last week.

Heck even hockey season has started don't laugh I went to a Buffalo Wild Wings on Saturday and there were a bunch of fans watching a game and they were really into it.

And fb is in full swing both college and the NFL.

What's there not to like?
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The World Series is starting tomorrow Dodgers vs Red Sox.

The NBA season started last week.

Heck even hockey season has started don't laugh I went to a Buffalo Wild Wings on Saturday and there were a bunch of fans watching a game and they were really into it.

And fb is in full swing both college and the NFL.

What's there not to like?

MLS playoffs about to start. EPL and Bundesliga in full swing. Champions League group stages rocking.

October-November is indeed the best.

A close second is April-June. Playoff Hockey, Champions League Semi and Finals, playoff hoops, baseball starts, and usually the start of some soccer tournament.

But alas, some people only like 1, maybe 2 sports. I don't get it.
I don't get into pro sports anymore. Mainly due to the absolute horrid ownership of the DFW sports franchises. Cowgirls, Strangers, Cuban.... I can't take it. I do like the fantasy sports, well football and baseball. Nice streams of revenue.
I don't get into pro sports anymore. Mainly due to the absolute horrid ownership of the DFW sports franchises. Cowgirls, Strangers, Cuban.... I can't take it. I do like the fantasy sports, well football and baseball. Nice streams of revenue.

Don't you kinda have to be into pro sports to do well in their fantasy leagues? I know I wouldn't have a clue who to draft now if I tried. I'd still be trying to draft Jamaal Charles and CJ Spiller. Lol
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Don't you kinda have to be into pro sports to do well in their fantasy leagues? I know I wouldn't have a clue who to draft now if I tried. I'd still be trying to draft Jamaal Charles and CJ Spiller. Lol

Na, it's all stats. I don't watch the games.
I don't get into pro sports anymore. Mainly due to the absolute horrid ownership of the DFW sports franchises. Cowgirls, Strangers, Cuban.... I can't take it. I do like the fantasy sports, well football and baseball. Nice streams of revenue.

I bet you could take some cold Shiner Oktoberfest and a good looking piece of Snatch that loves Fantasy Sports!

Oh and how could I have forgotten were coming up on volleyball post season. It coincides with bowl season.
Saw some serious puddles near your place this morning. You staying dry?
I'm staying dry but I don't know if its the weather or what but we've seen 2 mountain lions in the last week. One at my place and one ran across 306 Saturday morning right in front of my wife, by that Gruene B&B. I took a crappy pic of the one I saw on our place and a friend sent me a clean pic of one they saw last week at Riverchase.
Now volleyball I can get into. I just love admiring the unparalleled skills of those young ladies.

I'm to lazy to look it up do we have a good vb team this year? And I agree they are good athletes and most of them are big girls anywhere from 5'8" to 6'0. Dyk that Colt McCoy's wife played vb in college? Although she went to Baylor if she's alright by Colt then I can let this one slide lol
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I'm to lazy to look it up do we have a good vb team this year? And I agree they are good athletes and most of them are big girls anywhere from 5'8" to 6'0. Dyk that Colt McCoy's wife played vb in college? Although she went to Baylor if she's alright by Colt then I can let this one slide lol

Umm, yeah I don't really care if they're any good or not. Lol.
Now if you want a sport with some lovelies I recommend equestrian. You get a sweetheart in one of those rider outfits and it will male my day lol

Good lord. I had a gf that owned a horse ranch. Riding horses certainly does wonders for the figure.

No clob you gets no pics!
I'm staying dry but I don't know if its the weather or what but we've seen 2 mountain lions in the last week. One at my place and one ran across 306 Saturday morning right in front of my wife, by that Gruene B&B. I took a crappy pic of the one I saw on our place and a friend sent me a clean pic of one they saw last week at Riverchase.
Dude.... post that sh!t here. Let's see it. I will find that puppy.
Dude.... post that sh!t here. Let's see it. I will find that puppy.

This is weird. I was just having a conversation about mountain lions this weekend. My friend was trying to tell me there are no mountains in this part of Texas. I told him trust me, they're all across Texas, you just don't see them.

In the 90s a friend of mine had one jump over the hood of his truck outside of Cuero. In 2001 I saw one myself outside of Fredericksburg. When I was about 8 years old, I saw one mounted in a bar that my dad would go to to buy beer outside of Nacogdoches. They killed it in the woods behind the bar.

So weird to hear about so many sightings in one small area in a short time. It has to be weather.
I'm staying dry but I don't know if its the weather or what but we've seen 2 mountain lions in the last week. One at my place and one ran across 306 Saturday morning right in front of my wife, by that Gruene B&B. I took a crappy pic of the one I saw on our place and a friend sent me a clean pic of one they saw last week at Riverchase.

Those things are everywhere. Caught one a month ago playing with a ball of yarn in my backyard.
Dude.... post that sh!t here. Let's see it. I will find that puppy.
Here is the pic I took. I saw this cat on my road and he jumped in the trees/brush when he saw me. I scrambled to get off a pic on my iPhone and apparently it focused on the tree leaves instead of the cat. But you can see it hunkered down before it took off
I worked at a summer camp after my freshman year of college down between Rocksprings and Leakey on the Frio River. We were surrounded by high fenced hunting outfits. I don't know what was going on that summer other than consistent rainfall, but there were several sightings. The most scared I have ever been was one night a group of us counselors decided to go rock climbing and to get to the rock climbing site you had to walk past this little cave type thing that was used during the day for bouldering (a type of free climbing) well needless to say as we are approaching that cave (probably 15 yards away) there was a sound that I will never forget, the sound of a mama lion with a new cub. Mama was encouraging us to leave the premises and we did so in record time. Since that time, I have wanted to shoot one of these dudes and stick it on the wall in my house.
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Since I was the one who brought it up is anyone on here watching the World Series? I don't know much about either team although I noticed the Red Sox had an incredible w/l record. So who's the better team? I don't particularly care for the Red Sox but I detest the Dodgers I was really happy for the Astros that it was the Dodgers they beat to win the World Series. Who is better and how many games will it take?