So hilarious watching Frantic Elizabeth Warren have her melt downs to speak up for Blacks and Latinos between her and Crazy Bernie it’s so funny watching their frantic faces lie in desperation that either one of these bozos is really going to help the two communities.
The hypocrisy of any democrap helping their own is so laughable because all they do is take advantage of them and that none of them can get over that fact that the real politician that actually has and is helping the Black and Latino communities and that’s our current President Donald J. Trump.
There is no argument you can make that he is the only President of all the people and actually has the living proof of his results.
Watching these lying sappy Dem candidates is just more of the same old lying crap that they have promised over the decades and none of it has ever come true but yet they use their own people to preach and get elected only to use their office to rob and cheat the Very people that got them elected.
This election is going to be a blowout win for Trump and it’s not even going to be fair to the left.
the top three candidates are Crazy, Crazier and Craziest with the only sane one who is pole smoker Lol, this is going to be really, really fun to watch their train wreck hit the Trump locomotive head on and crash and burn. Good Luck losers Four more years!
The hypocrisy of any democrap helping their own is so laughable because all they do is take advantage of them and that none of them can get over that fact that the real politician that actually has and is helping the Black and Latino communities and that’s our current President Donald J. Trump.
There is no argument you can make that he is the only President of all the people and actually has the living proof of his results.
Watching these lying sappy Dem candidates is just more of the same old lying crap that they have promised over the decades and none of it has ever come true but yet they use their own people to preach and get elected only to use their office to rob and cheat the Very people that got them elected.
This election is going to be a blowout win for Trump and it’s not even going to be fair to the left.
the top three candidates are Crazy, Crazier and Craziest with the only sane one who is pole smoker Lol, this is going to be really, really fun to watch their train wreck hit the Trump locomotive head on and crash and burn. Good Luck losers Four more years!